Farewell Tour Vulcan

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Shot today, light was poor, overcast, hazy, nasty white clouds and the RAW files were nasty. It took a lot of processing to get these like they are. The sky was just white, plain white and there was nothing that could be done with it so I've included the same images but with the sky changed BUT! the sky I used was from an image of the Vulcan the last time it flew over South Wales for it's 50th anniversary so it's not cheating that much ?! Pentax K5ii & Sigma 170-500mm

Avro Vulcan by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

Avro Vulcan by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

Sky replaced Vulcan by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

Sky replaced Vulcan by Gareth Williams, on Flickr
You've done a good job of pulling in the blue sky (though have lost the exhaust smoke on pic #1 ).
Such a lovely machine though, I was at Farnborough to see it yesterday and it gave us a superb very low pass direct overhead. (y)
Thanks both (y)

Shame it'll be grounded soon. You sort of wish they could just change the engines to updated variants and keep her flying
Unfortunately it isnt that simple. The technical authority/engineers dont have the personel available to maintain the plane in an airworthy condition, add that to the fact 558 is the "oldest" Vulcan still flying, has done I believe the most air time and as such failures of an unknown type are possible, consequently no-one is prepared to put their name on the line of it being "safe", Shoreham probably wont have helped either.
Saw it at Southport which was very nice, was near us on Saturday afternoon, but couldn't get close enough - saw it in the distance and it was still an impressive sight, especially when it turned...
It flew over my house a few Sundays ago. I didn't know it was in the area or I would have had my camera ready.....

I think Gavin is correct with his comment on the exhaust smoke - no doubt someone with more expertise than I can suggest how to do something realistic in photoshop. It would complete the image IMHO.
Excellent crisp and clear shots. Something to show to our kids, because they will never see this triumph of British glory like we have.