Farm in the Mist ( Peak district )

Can't fault it i would be interested on how you took the shot not the exif details but the lead up to it
kev, cant do much about smoking chimneys can i :) Cheers Geoff
Stunning shot

I'm sure this is the first time I've opened this thread but the shot looks familiar.

Has it been in a magazine ?
kev, yepunderstood
Stunning shot

I'm sure this is the first time I've opened this thread but the shot looks familiar.

Has it been in a magazine ?
nope it hasnt
Hi Frank, sure, I can, I remember it was an early start up to Mam Tor, Peak District, a well shot place but for a good reason, I knew there was going to be mist in the hope and edale valleys but I think I have had this composition in my mind for a long time after visiting the place quite often. I knew where the sunrises it could provide some nice backlit mist with shadows from the house and the trees, but then the way I had framed this in my mind was to use the trees as a s curve / diagnol line across the frame.

