
As above. But if it's a fashion shot I would want the model/clothes to be in focus, and the arrow not to be?
Thank you for comments Simon & MissV :wave:

Well MissV... I think the photo has surved it's purpose - you want to see the clothes.

edit... didn't see your comment Jason, took a coffee break before sending :bonk:
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For fashion, I dont like it as I'd want to see the clothes more.

But as a photo its nice, I'd just like to see the whole arrow...
I think it would go well in a set with clothes in focus in another photo.
Can we agree to disagree? ;)

Just for the sake of argument - what is your experience with fashion / editorial / advertising photography?

I don't think you need to have experience with any photo to give your opinion on it. Quite a lot of people shout at the TV when the sport is on do you reckon they're Olympians? :LOL:

In either case, I think it's a nice shot but agree that it would be better if the girl was in focus and not the arrow.
I don't think you need to have experience with any photo to give your opinion on it. Quite a lot of people shout at the TV when the sport is on do you reckon they're Olympians? :LOL:

In either case, I think it's a nice shot but agree that it would be better if the girl was in focus and not the arrow.

I don't argue with that. :wave: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But... you do need to know what fashion photography represents before making a statemant "But if it's a fashion shot I would want...".
But... you do need to know what fashion photography represents before making a statemant "But if it's a fashion shot I would want...".

Don't agree at all. You asked for opinions, but for those who have given what you don't agree with, you haven't seemed to want to hear them, so what was the point in asking? :thinking:
Don't agree at all. You asked for opinions, but for those who have given what you don't agree with, you haven't seemed to want to hear them, so what was the point in asking? :thinking:

Again... I respect your opinion, you want one part of a photo to be in focus - I don't have a problem with that. What I do not understand is why you think this photo whould not work as "fashion photo". NHF, don't mean to sound disrespectful! :hug: I would just like to hear arguments that would support your position (not about the photo, about "fashion photography")...
you do need to know what fashion photography represents before making a statemant

Having sold fashion (kids designers) for the last 7 years if you want to sell the clothes, it's alright to have images like you show as a lead in to the brand but for individual pcs you really need images to be as clear as possible and in then further detailed images.
The cleared the image will not only increase sales but also decrease returns, this, we have tried and tested.
This is a great shot. Fashion is such a wide field, its not all about clothes, thats advertising in my opinion so you cant really say its not fashion. Just have a look at Dazed and Confused, the pictures are never the main focal point, concept is more important. This photo works and would work better as part of a bigger set
Fashion is such a wide field, its not all about clothes, thats advertising in my opinion
(y) :clap:

The cleared the image will not only increase sales but also decrease returns, this, we have tried and tested.

Photos from this shoot are part of editorial. But if we talk about catalogs, a lot of photos in Jacadi catalog, for instance, are blured ...

I have learned something from this and I hope you have too :wave:
And I hope I haven't offended anyone :love:
These are great shots. You probably shouldn't have called the thread fashion, then you'd have been just fine with the post. Study the fashion industry and you'll see why you get all these comments. For the record I've had quite a few pictures published in Fashion/editorial Mags around the world. Although, I will not claim to being a fashion photographer or doing high end stuff like dazed and confused, Vogue etc. Mine are more your Grazia type mag.
(y) :clap:

Photos from this shoot are part of editorial. But if we talk about catalogs, a lot of photos in Jacadi catalog, for instance, are blured ...

I have learned something from this and I hope you have too :wave:
And I hope I haven't offended anyone :love:

Yep I have Learned that you asked for opinions, and that you dont want opinions of those that say the photo could have been better

one mans excrament (and Im not calling your pix that I am talking about artists who have used this as art) is another mans Art!

Asking people then for their qualifications to answer a question about their opinions is step one to saying my lens is bigger than yours etc :)

I cannot say that your photo is bad in anyway! and I and I think nobody who has replied to your question has said that this is not the perfect photo for you! just that peopel have expressed their opinions and you have not liked it!


I have learned that next time I see a posting asking for personal opinions from you that I should either agree with your opinion or keep my opinion to myself!

I was only TRYing to help by answering a question you asked about MY opinion!

Sorry If I have upset you! that is not my intention

As a fashion shot it doesn't work at all for me. If I saw that on an advertisement for clothes or a shop I'd think "what's the point?". And, I know diddly squat about fashion and editorial photography, but do know a bit about advertising. And isn't advertising supposed to make the customer want to buy their stuff? Or at least think about their stuff? Or at a very minimum, make you remember what the advertisement is saying. This doesn't do any of that to me.

On saying that, as a stand alone photograph, with nothing to do with fashion or editorial, it's actually quite good. Could easily see this an an album or video cover.