Fast Ford @ Crail

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I was at Crail the otehr weekend at it was my first outing with the new camera.
Here are some of my favourate shots.

Any critique (good or bad) or advice welcome.






1 - The shots fine, but the lighting (out of your control probably) is making it a bit contrasty. Shadows in the footwell at blacked out.

2- nice composition, i think works well.

3 - I like the idea of the composition but its not quite right for me. Its because it not quite central or to the side , its in between and looks slightly awkward. I think a wider angle, and maybe a slightly lower camera position could also of helped.

4 - I like the idea and comp, but i dunno if the car's shapes compliment each other. Thats so subjective though, so irrelevant maybe i dunno.

5 - Again love the idea, but a few issues. It looks slightly lop-sided, i find this so easy to do, when using wide angles for some reason, but a bit of lens correction in PP will sort that. The other thing is the shadows being lost like earlier, but again what can you do, you cant move the sun around and you might not of had flash so not your fault really.
Although your could go the bracketing, HDR-esque route. :gasp:

6 - Wicked! Looks like the MK 1 escort is having a race with the ambulance he he..

Considering it was your first day out with a new camera and less than ideal conditions then you done pretty good i reckon. Well done mate, hope you have fun with your new toy.

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Thanks for the comments. I have found that a lot of my pics seem to lean one way (usually with the left higher than the right) so I need to sort my stance out for that.

The Black RS was quite hard to get a good pic of as it was matt black and it was a bright day. Also I tried to not get the little pug (to the right) in shot as what was a beaut of a car shot was ruined by a crappy little pug 106 lol.

The interior shot was a bit of trial and error as I had seen it done using wide angle lenses while sat in the back seat but I cheated and rolled the front seats back and had the camera resting on the parcel shelf.