Faster Lenses for Large Format

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Good morning.

I have been doing some research on faster LF lenses around 135/150mm. The options I have seen that could be within budget are 150mm f/3,5 xenar or ideally the 135mm f/3.5 xenotar. I currently have a 150mm f/5.6 as a standard and a 210mm f/5.6 for something a little longer but I'd like a shallower DOF from the 150mm. Are there any options I am overlooking? The Zeiss 135mm f/3.5 would be amazing but they are far too expensive. Any suggestions?

I'm also constantly weighing up 10x8 but it opens a more expensive world of film, developing, scanning but there is a lovely option of contact prints with no enlargement.
In the absence of other replies...

I suspect that your research means you know far more than I do on this subject. WYC had a very fast lens recently, which Adam used for some photos - he may have been the buyer. Older lenses that were fast were usually Petzval types, and until the new optical glasses from Abbe and Schott came along, fast apertures were incompatible with a wide angle of view.

From that, I suspect that you're limited to modern expensive lenses, unless you consider fast aperture trumps other considerations and look at lenses designed for other applications, such as projector lenses and even condenser lenses. On a practical point, how are you intending to manage the short shutter speeds required?
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On 10x8, yes, film and holders cost more, but an Intrepid 10x8 isn't too expensive, and lenses for the format can be as small as those for 5x4. A Stearman Press tray or Paterson orbital will handle the film, although you would need a scanner above the bottom Epson models.

Have you considered a compromise of 5x7? Or, going the other way there is an 11x14 camera on sale somewhere at the moment with a film holder. That probably would be contact prints only.
I'll add a relevant (I think) link to another forum, made by someone with an unfamilar name but very familar avatar from this site that may be of interest.

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On 10x8, yes, film and holders cost more, but an Intrepid 10x8 isn't too expensive, and lenses for the format can be as small as those for 5x4. A Stearman Press tray or Paterson orbital will handle the film, although you would need a scanner above the bottom Epson models.

Have you considered a compromise of 5x7? Or, going the other way there is an 11x14 camera on sale somewhere at the moment with a film holder. That probably would be contact prints only.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I have been weighing up all the options the last few days. 10x8 is where I would love to be. My scanner (V700) will handle the neg and contact printing would be lovely but the entry is too high at the moment. I have considered the Intrepid but deep down I would love something more substantial. I am also considering going with a Speed Graphic and Aero Ektar.
I'll add a relevant (I think) link to another forum, made by someone with an unfamilar name but very familar avatar from this site that may be of interest.

I think it may well be Mike @Petrochemist on "another forum" - no worries about the link to "rival fora" IMO
I think it may well be Mike @Petrochemist on "another forum" - no worries about the link to "rival fora" IMO
It is indeed, I go by petrochemist on most forums, but there are a few I joined before coming up with that handle.
FWIW I should be playing with barrel lenses this weekend, as Ian Grant on the UK LF forum is hosting a barrel lenses session - well worth the travel time IMO :)
Thank you all.

I decided to go all in and picked up a Speed Graphic with an Aero Ektar. Not sure if that's a good move or not. We will see.
I'd say it's a very good move, looking at that ground glass takes some beating! It's a lovely setup for faster/shallow DOF work.
