Fastest 32GB SDHC cards

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I did a shoot y/day with my d7100 and had a mare with the write times to my cards, i realised i'd mistakenly put some old class 10 cards in the camera that were very slow. So decided it's time to upgrade to the fastest cards as of today.

I realise all manufacturers will claim their card is the fastest but has anyone found a decent independent lab test ? I'm a great believer in diminishing returns so if a sandisk is 2 x the cost of a lexar but only gives 2% better speed then i'll happily take the lexar.

What have people founds to be best for them ? especially Nikon owners

Thanks in advance guys - i'd normally research myself but a bit short on time today and want to order at lunchtime.
THIS may be of interest.
Glad I found this, I'm looking for one at the moment. Thanks
your probably better off going for 64gb, think they are cheaper per gb than 32 now, by a decent margin
Went for some Kinston U3's for £12.49 from Amazon - seem to a great card at a super price.

Thanks all
your probably better off going for 64gb, think they are cheaper per gb than 32 now, by a decent margin

But you lose a lot more images if a 64GB fails than if a 32GB goes down. I prefer to pay (a little) more per GB.
I use a 64 gig in slot 1 for raw files and a 32 gig in slot 2 for jpeg files. Never had a card fail on me yet from any make - apart from the couple I've dismantled out of curiosity:)
I use a 64 gig in slot 1 for raw files and a 32 gig in slot 2 for jpeg files. Never had a card fail on me yet from any make - apart from the couple I've dismantled out of curiosity:)

There's always a first time. I had a Kingston fail on me in Central America. No warning, but luckily, I needed to check an image a couple back from the last and it wouldn't display. If I had continued in blissful ignorance I would have lost all that day's... Kingston replaced it under guarantee. I doubt they would have paid for me to go back.
i judged i was more likely to physically lose the extra card :x

Yup, I've been using CF cards for 16 years and I've never had one fail in a camera. I have, however, lost a card (I put it somewhere 'safe' in the heat of the moment).

I always buy the largest card I can afford - preferably one that can handle a whole day's shooting. That way, the only way I can lose the card is to lose the camera.