Father And Son At Play

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Caught these while I was laid on the lawn in front of Winchester Cathedral. Converted to Monochrome.






Thanks, yes, that is what I was trying to capture, *** still not happy with the levels.
The levels look fine to me. If you contrast them any more I think they may look too bold for this style of photo if you get me?
Ok thanks. Guess I am just so used to stark blacks and whites etc, lol. Always find it hard to get monochrome right.
Some lovely shots here. #3 is my fave, not too sure about the first 2 as you can't see either of their faces which, to me at least, is important in these types of image.
Heh, thanks. And yeah, probably true. I just shot a series from start to finish, couldn't resist. The guy seems so loving towards the kid
Certainly is a lovely overall picture of a loving father and son. :)
Pity he prob won't get to see these, they're lovely. You've captured the moment well. :)
Yes, I am a little sad he wont get to see them, I suppose they are for that...capturing a moment, though I wish I had gotten them technically better.
I guess that will come with practice, but you haven't done a bad job at all imo. :)
I can't get over how you all seem at ease taking shots of strangers in intimate poses... I feel self conscious if I'm pointing my lens towards anyone! :shrug:
My desire to catch and freeze human moments overwhelms my shyness and fear of repercussions lol.
I can't get over how you all seem at ease taking shots of strangers in intimate poses... I feel self conscious if I'm pointing my lens towards anyone! :shrug:

Me too but I WILL get over it.

The joys of parenthood captured well, no.3 for me.
#3 is fantastic. I like some of the others but as has already been mentioned, some more face would have been good, but #3, great work. Nice a crisp too (and boy, thems some big muscles).

Thanks, I am glad they are ok. I had considerable trouble getting the look I wanted in black and white. I have them all in colour too, obviously, but for some reason I prefer this sort of subject in b + w, and find it helps if there is anything in the background I don't want emphasised. And yeah...those muscles...yet he doesn't really look the type to be in a gym, if you know what I mean lol