Fatma - ready to fight

Edit My Images
Im still working on getting FTP working over here to upload higher quality pictures but here are a few from a shoot last week

The are dark but look about right on my calibrated IPS screen




Some feedback would be great, thanks in advance.
I would say they look spot on. i ahve a friend who would say too dark.

I would leave them as is, great shots
Thanks guys. I just did a quick edit on the last one to see what it would look like with a bit of 'gel' light all be it fake from lightroom but it would be interesting to know if its a change for the better or worse..

I think the shadows work well so that must mean you had the lighting spot on! ( I prefer the original as the highlight on her neck is to bright in the edit)
I think the shadows work well so that must mean you had the lighting spot on! ( I prefer the original as the highlight on her neck is to bright in the edit)

Thanks, below is some notes from the lighting setup.

The main light is a grided beauty dish, 48cm I think it is, then a 12 x 30 inch grid softbox as a hair light.
Then a 3rd light hitting the background an min power close up with a basic studio refelector to focus the light.

Shot against a grey background and we used a little oil to add some shene to the skin. 1st time I tried that out.
Is it just me or are there some focussing issues, or general softness? It's hard to tell for sure at these resolutions but the eyes seem to not be very sharp and there's an overall slightly 'dreamy' feel to the focus. I'd say the general treatment and lighting is definitely good and not too dark on my screen either, but a little bit sharper would really make the shots pop and would suit the subject matter IMHO.
Is it just me or are there some focussing issues, or general softness? It's hard to tell for sure at these resolutions but the eyes seem to not be very sharp and there's an overall slightly 'dreamy' feel to the focus. I'd say the general treatment and lighting is definitely good and not too dark on my screen either, but a little bit sharper would really make the shots pop and would suit the subject matter IMHO.

I think he is having uploading problems as mentioned in other threads.
I think he is having uploading problems as mentioned in other threads.

If that's the case then fair enough, I hadn't seen his other threads. It's not rocket science to properly size and upload then link to shots - much easier than getting good lighting etc, so I'm sure they can manage it! ;)
Rich, when I first started with OCF and portraits your work was one of my main inspirations, so glad to see you posting your work again. The lighting on these is superb, with a nice controlled mix of shadows and highlights, however as others have said I think the upoad has killed some of the sparkle.
Rich, when I first started with OCF and portraits your work was one of my main inspirations, so glad to see you posting your work again. The lighting on these is superb, with a nice controlled mix of shadows and highlights, however as others have said I think the upoad has killed some of the sparkle.

Thanks Marcus that sure made me smile :) Ive been very busy in the last few months flying back and forth to the US, getting married, buying a house and putting the studio together. Ive been working a lot in that time and have done a ton of shoots but never had the time to upload anything. I'll remember to post some more often :)