FD - EF adapter ... how good/bad is the glass ?

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the focus to infinity adapters have a multiplier glass element. How much does it degrade IQ?

please only answer if you have used them, or seen images 1st hand... I.E ... no hear say / band wagon putting the idea down.
only the canon original could be good, but cost a lot and is hard to find a used one.

probably is better if you sell your fd lenses or continue to use your FD camera with your fd lenses...

there are some good FD lenses, but with the adapter are not so good.

I've tryed a lot of years ago an fd 20 2.8, 85 L and 300L on a 10d and it's better to buy a new canon 20 2.8, 85 1.8 and a 70/200 4