[Feb 2012] Best Compact Camera

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Hi Guys,

I am going to Marrakech for a couple days in the next few months, and then a few trips around Spain later on in the year. I think it is a good idea to get a point and shoot for the trips as I don't fancy lugging the D300 around (also don't want to risk it being pinched!)

There is a baffling array of compact cameras since I last looked!

Top choice at the moment seems to be the S95 or the S100 by Canon. I like the idea of the extra 4mm at the wide end of the S100, but it is more expensive!

I would like to buy second hand rather than new as they are pretty expensive cameras.

Bearing in mind the sort of conditions I will face in Morocco which camera would you suggest? I can imagine there will be some low light situations so I would like one that can handle ISO fairly well.

In typical fashion I am my own worst enemy by reading about them too much, I am now baffled by the range on offer :LOL:
what about a micro four thirds camera?
plenty out there used, and the a sensor than the s100 that will help high iso's.

the olympus xz1 and fuji x10 are also worth a look from what i gather.

enjoy your trip Doug
Get an S95 quick before they all dissapear, it's a great camera, lots of threads on here and a stream on Flickr with some amazing photographs.


The f2.0 wide end on the S95 is great in low light, I'd forgotten what f2.0 can do in low light (with IS as well) as I'd got used to using smallish aperture zooms.

Not had a good play with a S100 but not sure the new features justify it's current price.


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The S100 is a definite improvement over the S95, and in the hand it definitely feels like a more expensive camera, though I'm not sure either warrant double the price tag of the S95. You probably won't find many used ones floating around as it's so new but the price will probably comes down a bit in the next few months. If money is no object though, it is the best compact on the market right now (unless you count the not-so-compact cameras like the G12/G1X and Nikon P7100. I don't).

The only other contenders would probably be the Panny LX5 (although it doesn't have many advantages over the S100 and is quite a bit larger) or the new Nikon P310. The P310 has a higher resolution (16mp) sensor, and if it's anything like the P300 will probably perform better in low light with its very good high ISO performance and slightly faster f/1.8 lens. However, its major drawback is that it lacks RAW support - this may or may not be a significant problem depending on your PP philosophy.
Ring WEX (the shop counter not online orders) and ask what they have on the clearance table. Last time I was in there were a couple of ex-display S95s and a few other compacts. You need to ring though, the clearance table isn't listed online.
Thank you for the replies!

Hmmm it seems to be a toss up between the S95 and the P310.

Which will be better in low light? I currently use a D300 so that is my level of low light shooting (nothing amazing). Will either come anywhere near to it?

I will give them WEX a call! :)
WEX have no S95's in anymore, let alone on the clearance table :(

I might have to pick one up from Wilkinson's for £280 delivered. Unless the P310 would be the better camera at the same price?

Too much choice! :)
I am going to Marrakech for a couple days in the next few months, and then a few trips around Spain later on in the year. I think it is a good idea to get a point and shoot for the trips as I don't fancy lugging the D300 around (also don't want to risk it being pinched!)

My standard travel kit has been 40D plus Sigma 30mm f/1.4, and I've never really missed not taking a zoom. I don't see in telephoto, and to me holiday shots are about the memories. Unless it was specifically a photography holiday and I was travelling alone - nobody wants to be a photography widow on holiday.. ..

However, I started looking at compacts as I've been throwing a small MF or 35mm camera into the travel bag as well on recent trips and moving away from the bulk of the DSLR. I looked at specs, read reviews, looked to see what everyone else was using.. and drew up a list that roughly went G12, X10, S95, etc..

Then budget reailty hit and I noticed I had a stack of Sony points to cash in. Picked the best of the available line-up (DSC HX9V) and went for it. It's a barrel of laughs, the DSLR has been gathering dust and I've started to have a play with HD video as it's a strength of that model.

The moral of this little story. It doesn't really matter which camera it is, once it's in your hand you'll either love it or hate it for reasons you can't know until you own it. There are very few turkeys in the compact market, as long as you're not at the absolute bargain basics end a little bit of skill and practice will have any camera turning out a cracking image to be proud of. If your budget is S95/100 of G12/X10, then just go for it and have fun.

What a brilliant reply. That sums up what I am going through at the moment. I am finding that I only use my DSLR kit when I am going somewhere with the purpose of taking photos (Equine event etc). Every other time I am taking photos on my iPhone 4s. The camera is good, surprisingly so. But I want to get decent pictures whilst on holiday but don't want to feel the burden of lugging around an expensive camera. There is also a chance of crime when abroad which should be considered!

I am hoping that I enjoy a compact camera, I see no reason why I would not! Its a shame that it won't quite be fast enough to shoot cross country horse events, as I would swap my kit!

The X10 was my other choice, but its quite a bit more than the S95, and bulkier. Which I suspect will put me off taking it more places!
Hmmmm that X10 does look tempting.... I have just seen the lovely bokeh that it produces. I am a sucker for that.
I know that many do not regard the Nikon P7100 pr the Canon G12 as being compact - but they are small and do offer much more in the way of manual control if you want that - there are some very good offers at the moment particularly on the Nikon P7000 which is the older model of the P7100 - some complained that it was too slow but a firmware update improved matter considerably. I bought a P7100 recently and as a day to day carry around camera I am delighted with it. It is not shirt pocket but it will fit easily in a jacket pocket.