feedback please

They are both nice images.... although, I really don't like to see bits chopped, in this case I prefer the owl image, it is a nice looking Harris hawk though...probably this could have gone in the 'pet' section, as many don't see captive birds as in the same category as wild birds...
very good

A place to share your photos of all the birds and winged animals of the world

They are birds, so they fit here :shrug:
very good

They are birds, so they fit here :shrug:

Technically, yes.... however "All your zoo shots, your pets and captive creatures....."....
Many birders will not class captive birds as belonging in the bird section.... Makes no odds to me as I have two Harris hawks myself...
He he we go again....please all "birders" do not join in....

I do not mind seeing them as I do not look in the pet section.....I too keep birds.

Keith (y)
He he we go again....please all "birders" do not join in....

I do not mind seeing them as I do not look in the pet section.....I too keep birds.

Keith (y)
And, I agree....but, if a bird is on a block or bow, then there is nothing wrong with showing that.... many won't because of the 'anti captive bird brigade'....
The Harris would have been a much better image had it been a full image....