Feeding time

Noel, it's a really nicely timed shot with a decent low angle. Even lower would be better, but it's not alway possible with the environment and obstructions.

With regards to the processing side it's a little flat. Just using Lightroom, setting the back and white points will boost things nicely.

To do this, go into Lightroom, and keep the alt/option (depending on your computer) button down. Keeping that pressed click on the whites slider. The screen will now go black. Keep the button pressed down and move the slider to the right until you see see some data appear on the screen. Once you see that data appear back off the slider a small amount.

Then repeat the procedure, this time with the blacks slider, and moving it to the left.

You've now stretched the histogram to allow a fuller range of tones.

At this point you can consider lowering the highlights slider a little if you think the whites are too bright.

There is more that can be done but if you're just starting out with Lightroom, this is a good starting point


Thanks Mike thats great info I am struggleing to get the processing right Ill give it a go
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