Fern Landsacpes

Edit My Images
#1 Day


#2 Night


As always thoughts and comments welcome.

Strong processing skills there. Looks very effective.
I wonder if, rather than having a pure black / white background using the opposite fern shade might look less stark?

Another idea might be to have the ferns vertical and mirrored as a diptych?
Actually that was my very first idea or something close anyway:


I thought the single ferns had more impact and looked more like a landscape., but glad you thought inspired enough to have an edit.

It's all good and thank for the comments.
Thanks Loopy, not exactly graphics - it was a real fern form my yard - spray mounted onto a white piece of paper, though I can understand were're coming from. They do look like a single tree or a line of trees depending on how you look at them.
Hi, just got back on line. I should have explained myself better than the quick comment. :)
I meant that i liked the graphic feel of the photos. The black and white, positive/negative work very well. I prefer the first two with the image split down the stems
No worries, I got what you meant. They do look like they might have been drawn. I'd photographed the fern but wasn't sure what to do with it. Then just looking around the office I saw my film camera and started thinking about how they record image - all as negatives. The #Night version was the first I did, #Day is just a negative image of #Night.

They do still remind of a landscape though, interesting plants - ferns - these just popped up in a planter in my yard.

Ferns - natures own fractals...
Thanks for all the comments. I was under the impression that the New Zealand flag was the Ensign and Southern Cross, however a bit of Googling revealed that there's a referendum to change the flag. I also didn't know about the silver fern being a commonly recognised symbol for NZ - it also being the embelm/flag for the All Blacks rugby team.
Great idea and very well executed. I like all of them but I think the first is slightly my favourite