Fetish Heaven x 3

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not sure if im were i want to be with this image yet. but this is three metamorphosis so far..........




thoughts appreciated
Not for me i'm afraid, a bit cheesball on the processing. I liked the ones from your last post though :)
I really like the first one, it works well for me.. the other 2 i'm not so sure, i get what you are trying to achieve tho:D
First for me, although I prefer the crop of the second, but the processing in 2 & 3 is a bit too aggressive for my eyes.

First with a similar crop to 2 would sing.
Number 2 for me as it looks like a still from a an Xbox (etc...other game consoles are available) game. If that's not the look you're going for then number 1
nope im, not going for a natural look lol who floats in a checked floor in amongst clouds? my problem with 1 and 2 is the size of the squares, i "think" it looks better with bigger checks?

In that case I'd go for the middle ground and pick no3.
No2 and 1, the squares make her look like a doll, if you see what I mean? It looks too unreal.
No 3 just has the best 'look'. The model seems to be the right size in the frame and the background does not overpower her. After all, the model is surely the reason for the pic?

Great shot, btw. You seem to be getting the hang of this now :)
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Fab images.
To be honest my eyes were not drawn to the squares at all :)

Now I see them I like the squares in 3 as most seem to say they fit the scene better.
I do prefer the image number 1 as the theme though.
All great though. "Your clever"

No3 for me too, Im a fan of your work Fiona and you never seem to disapoint

Les (y)
Sorry, but all the pictures look very unclean and overprocessed at the same time.

I would start over and try for a more natural look first, then slowly add artificial elements.
I liked No3 right from the start, almost a perception of 'Alice in Wonderland'...
I think I see what Silv means.
The smoke/mist encroaches onto the tiles. If it was just around the edges, and not in the foreground, I think it would look better.
Im not much for it body look real, face looks a bit cartoonish.
But I guess we all cant like the same.
dont sure why u say "unclean" care to explain?

Certainly. I meant that overprocessed images usually have a very clean and artificial look to them, which some people like. I do understand that. Your pictures do not have that, even though there is a lot of processing visible, which you said was intended.

They have many details that just do not seem to fit, for example the background in #2 has some weird, pink pattern in it and has many gradients that look like 8 bit, but not in a way that would fit the picture style. Another bit that clearly looks unclean or not thought out is the "smoke" over the model in #3. To me it looks like she is passing very unhealthy gas.

For me the images lack a balance between the model and the (imho badly done) backgrounds.
I like these I'm not keen on the smoke on the left side of no 3 because it looks a bit of a harsh edge to it against the tiles. It might be my eyes, It's late :) though I do like the rest of no 3.

No 1 is better than 2.

So I suppose I'm saying if the smoke issue in no 3 wasn't there I'd go for that but it is so I'll go for no 1 ;)
its not weird pink patterns its pale pink smoke that i played with to match the red in the model... there is absolutely some artefacts in 2 i agree i took care of them in 3 as i have said it is the first time i have tried this so its a work in progress and not "well" done as its a learning curve but im happy with them so far and wouldnt call them "badly done" but then thats just me.... its not smoke its clouds ;) thanks for the explanations of your POV :)