Fieldwork Photo Forum at UCLAN, Preston

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The Fieldwork Photography Forum is a two-day event of talks, lectures and workshops being held at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston on November 12th & 13th. The Forum will showcase the work of Photography practitioners and debate a range of issues regarding contemporary issues and practices.

It is being held on both days on the Preston campus in the Media Factory building on the fourth floor in the Media Innovation Suite room 414. The event is part of the Great Northern Creative Festival being held by the School of Film, Media and Performance.

Speakers are Peter Kennard and Ian Berry.

Unfortunately I have no leave left, so I can't go:(, but my friends from Lancashire Monochrome will be helping out as we've been trying to get Ian Berry along to speak to our group for yonks.
There's more than two speakers!!

There's a particularly good speaker on Friday ;)

Thursday – November 12th

9.30 – Coffee & Registration

9.45 – Welcome & Introduction to Fieldwork:John van Aitken (UCLan

Photography Course Leader)

10.00 – Collections: Luke Stephenson

10.20 – The Photograph in the Gallery: Helen James

10.40 – Q&A: Lead by Jon Purcell (UCLan)

11.00 – Break

11.20 –M62 The Trans-Pennine Motorway: Kevin Crooks

11.40 – Online Photo Sharing and Visual Fragmented Identities: Dr Elisa


12.00 – Panel Discussion: Lead by Jon Purcell

12.30 – Lunch: Lancashire Monochrome Display of Work

1.30 – Drone Media: UAVs and Creative Content Capture:

Paul Egglestone (Chair), Paul Gallagher, Adam McClean, ITV and Dickens Olowe,

3.00 – Break

3.20 –Social Issues and the Power of Exposure: Ayesha Jones

3.40 –Photojournalism Then and Now: Ian Berry

4.30 – Panel Discussion: Lead by John van Aitken

4.50 – Closing Statements

Friday – November 13th

9.30 – Coffee & Registration

9.45 – Welcome to Day 2 of Fieldwork:John van Aitken (UCLan

Photography Course Leader)

10.00 –Tensions in Socially Engaged Practice: Ciara Leeming

10.20 – Processes in Documentary: David Gregory

10.40 – Q&A

11.00 – Break

11.20 - Mimetic Failures: Brian J. Morrison

11.40 – Photography and Sculpture: Andrew Lacon

12.00 – Panel Discussion

12.30 – Lunch – Lancashire Archives Display

1.30 – Past / Present Portraits: Kate Newman

1.50 – Caught In Time (The Value of Oral History): Andrew Schofield

2.45 - Break

3.00 – Unofficial War Artist: Peter Kennard

4.00 – Panel Discussion – Lead by John Aitken

4.30 – Closing Statements

Please note that speakers and times are subject to change.


As of this time yesterday, It is completely sold out however.
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That's an extremely strange looking poster. I can't imagine the thought processes of a person who was charged with producing a suitable image to advertise a photography forum and came up with .... that.
That's an extremely strange looking poster. I can't imagine the thought processes of a person who was charged with producing a suitable image to advertise a photography forum and came up with .... that.

Ok... so you don't see why using a piece of work by Peter Kennard, a famous photo-montage artist, researcher and reader of photography at London's Royal College of Art is relevant for a Photography forum called "Fieldwork" that debates contemporary issues and practices?

Fair enough :)
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Ok... so you don't see why using a piece of work by Peter Kennard, a famous photo-montage artist, researcher and reader of photography at London's Royal College of Art is relevant for a Photography forum called "Fieldwork" that debates contemporary issues and practices?

Fair enough :)
Thanks for the explanation. I wasn't familiar with the image.

Since Peter Kennard is speaking at the event - I guess he's the keynote speaker since he's on last? - it makes sense to showcase his work on the poster. And if you recognise it, then fair enough. But for those who don't recognise it, it's strange.

I guess the poster isn't intended to appeal to people like me. Fair enough.
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Thanks for the explanation. I wasn't familiar with the image.

Since Peter Kennard is speaking at the event - I guess he's the keynote speaker since he's on last? - it makes sense to showcase his work on the poster. And if you recognise it, then fair enough. But for those who don't recognise it, it's strange.

I guess the poster isn't intended to appeal to people like me. Fair enough.

As the "big" speaker at this event, then it makes perfect sense to have his work on there (He is a "save the best till last" appointment, yes :)), but perhaps you're right: It's an academic audience it's aimed at - it's an event to debate and discuss photographic practice, so we kind of assumed anyone interested would be familiar with the work, or even the TYPE of work.
I'd love to go to something like this. Unfortunately we don't get much of this kind of thing around here (north-west Wales).
I would be horrified to be sent on this for some sort of camera the speeding course they do.. Honestly cant think of anything more mind numbingly boring..

each to there own I guess :)
I would be horrified to be sent on this for some sort of camera the speeding course they do.. Honestly cant think of anything more mind numbingly boring..

each to there own I guess :)

Photography is a broad church.............
I wish I could attend, to be honest. To me, it sounds interesting.
I'd love to go to something like this, sounds like an interesting couple of days. Shame it's sold out, else I'd have been tempted to make the journey up and stayed over somewhere...
Sounds like a glorified camera club meet. Sit down for two hours and let done guy tell you how good he his. Have a cup of tea and repeat the process.

Got to agree with Kippax on this one.
Sounds like a glorified camera club meet. Sit down for two hours and let done guy tell you how good he his. Have a cup of tea and repeat the process.

Got to agree with Kippax on this one.

Is it necessary to post such things? No one is making you attend so what do you hope to achieve with such a comment?
Since when have you been on charge of what can or cannot be posted?
I am as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours.
You cannot tell me what to post or not to post.
Your comments have been reported.

It is not up to you to moderate free speech.
Your comments have been reported.

Now who's trying to moderate free speech? :D

The English was the first photobook I ever bought and became a 'bible' for the teenage me. Listening to Ian Berry (a Prestonian) for an hour or more would have been right up my street - with or without the tea and biscuits.

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Of course you are entitled to express your opinion and I wasn't saying who could post what, I was honestly interested what motivated such a comment.
Just had a look at some of Peter Kennard's stuff.

Wow. Powerful stuff.

It's like Banksy on bad acid. :eek:
I wish I'd some leave left as I can get in on Thursday through my Lancashire Monochrome membership but I was only made aware of it a week or two back as I missed last months meeting:(

I'll have to see if I can take the time off unpaid.

Sorry... I should have given you a heads up. As a guest speaker I've known about this since July. :(
Sounds like a glorified camera club meet. Sit down for two hours and let done guy tell you how good he his. Have a cup of tea and repeat the process.


That's exactly what it is not.

You cannot tell me what to post or not to post.
Your comments have been reported.

Did you stamp your little foot when you wrote that? :)

I would be horrified to be sent on this for some sort of camera the speeding course they do.. Honestly cant think of anything more mind numbingly boring..

each to there own I guess :)

I did wonder when the usual crowd of embittered old men would show up to say how crap it all is.

All insults noted from the usual bunch of arch conservative snappers. You can go now... shoot some flowers or whatever it is you do.
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You're out of order. Play the ball, not the man.


I would be horrified to be sent on this for some sort of camera the speeding course they do.. Honestly cant think of anything more mind numbingly boring..

That was out of order. If it's not the kind of thing he likes, then he could have just moved on and ignored the thread. Coming in here to slag it off was pointless and childish, and just another manifestation of the anti-intellectual, ignorant attitude constantly on display in here.
Oh for heaven's sake. You lot will argue about anything won't you.

David. Don't be so insulting about people's professions and actually just insultingly patronising full stop. As usual.
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Yeah.. whatever. Slag off the culmination of 6 months work organising a massive photo event, and getting sponsorship from large companies like Northern Rail in order to make it totally free for everyone.. get some big names involved like Luke Stephenson and Peter Kennard.. for free, and it's fine to slag that off though. Yeah I get it.
Didn't I ask you to stop arguing or did that go over your head? You are pointedly insulting full stop and it's not the first time that we've asked you to rein it in. The simple act of a moderator posting about the arguing should tell all of you that it needs to stop. You got an extra mention by being your usual patronizing self. You are an intelligent man, stop acting like a petulant teenager.
Kipax wasn't being insulting about the work of others and their professions?

Seriously... you need a reality check.
Who do you think you are talking to? Even if I wasn't a moderator, you are out of line with the way you speak to people. It is getting very tiresome. Yes, Tony was out of line with saying it would be boring, he's entitled to his opinion although he could have put it in a better, less grumpy way.

You, however, take it further by being, well, you. And now you are insulting me.

Now. Last warning. Take a break from the thread, don't annoy me more than I already am sitting on a coach in traffic with yet another 2.5 hour commute ahead of me.
If your idea of moderating is taking punitive measures because you're annoyed with your commute, maybe it's you that needs to take a break.

Go ahead... hit the button Kelly. I waste too much time in here anyway - I'd get more done if I was banned.
No. I am not taking punitive measures because I'm annoyed with my commute. I'm used to my commute, it still annoys me. I'm.just asking you not to annoy me anymore than I already am. Which you have now successfully done. Thank you for that. I might have guessed you would twist my words on that

You're a grown man, even though you are acting like a teenager. Step away from the forum yourself if you feel you waste too much time in here. There is even a bit on the Contact Us which requests for a self imposed ban. Go ahead and try it

And I won't tell you again, you were insulting and patronising, which happens on a regular occasion which is why you got an extra bit in my post. Much like you are being now.
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On request from the OP. As this event has sold out, we're closing the thread
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