Film Challenge 41: Christmas! Discussion thread


I'm a well known grump...
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This thread is for discussion of the Christmas! film challenge. For a more complete description of the theme, and for entries, please see the thread here...
A christmas service inside a church would be interesting to try and shoot, but I'm going to ride around looking for houses, pubs, whatever to take some night shots...took some a few years ago but forgot whether I set the camera on auto or manual, so will easy use a roll up bracketing.
Bumping this because, unusually, this is a pretty time-limited theme! Get those cameras out in the next week or so, folks... (I see @stevelmx5 wil have an entry ready :) )
I was about to post the same thing Chris! For once I might actually get a shot taken and developed in time for this! (Assuming I haven't stuffed them up of course...)
Yes folks get shooting...24 shots film could easily be used up and the only thing that could prevent me get a shot in, in time is if I went to Asda for dev and scan and the machine had broken down...which happened about 6 months ago and was U/S for 2 weeks :eek:
Well went out last night for some night shots and set the OM2 on auto and some of the shots I'd probably would have got the exposure time wrong as the OM2 estimated about 7 sec in a few shots (h'mm the subject looked quite bright to me) if the OM2 has got it right then I'll give it brownie points.and would be my night shooter........also it's always a bit dodgy if you don't know your camera as I couldn't remember if on auto it was aperture or shutter priority so set for F4 and 1/30 on a tripod.
.......after the first shot realised it was altering the shutter speed. Using quite a few different cameras I had to make a list of which was what. But Canon (that I know well) have selected shutter for nearly all their cameras. Anyway I use manual most of the time but auto or program can be handy at times.
I've been looking for ages at the bootie for Zuiko 28mm as it's supposed to be a VG lens, in the meantime I'm using a Tamron 28mm.
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I sent a film off to Photo Express earlier in the week, mostly low light shots so it's a bit of a lottery. The last few were the first metered with my new meter, in incident mode. Camera meter read differently so it will be interesting to see the results.
I'll get mine to Asda on Saturday, like Chris mostly low light lottery. I put the OM at f1.4 1/60 and hoped to latitude.
Think I was down to half a second for some, but tripod for them. Keeping my expectations low...
I've just come home to my two sheets of Astia from the 110A. I still need to scan them to see them properly but from looking at them I'm made up with the results :0)
If anyone has got a Christmas cactus still blooming, then that would do....we had one in the toilet for about 15 years but it suddenly died...h'mm probably someone didn't bother to water it or someone had eaten a rat and the fumes killed it :eek:
This challenge is due to end tomorrow, folks. With the new format competition coming up, I'm not inclined to leave it to drift on as we used to. What do you think, @excalibur2 ?

Anyway. time to get those Xmas shots devved fast! Only 3 entries so far, I'm sure there are plenty of us that have shots better than mine!
I've got mine, I just need to quickly run it through an editor to correct the cast Asda left.
This challenge is due to end tomorrow, folks. With the new format competition coming up, I'm not inclined to leave it to drift on as we used to. What do you think, @excalibur2 ?

Anyway. time to get those Xmas shots devved fast! Only 3 entries so far, I'm sure there are plenty of us that have shots better than mine!

Ah Chris you missed my post suggesting to leave it to the end of the month why? well for those who want to use the film up can kill two birds with one stone for the film poty.....Anyway it's the last one and for me being a tight ar__ have about 15 shots to use the film up (which have my Xmas shots) and if we can get some decent sun will take my poty shots for the first one.
So Chris have I made a good case?

Forgot: I'm kicking myself when just after midnight on new years ever I heard fireworks anyway pulled the curtains back and there was a lovely display of rockets over my house, I had the camera parked on the table and thought by the time I get out to the back garden it would be over...Huh it went on for about 6 mins and of course kept thinking:- by the time I get out to etc ......................................after each explosion :(
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OK, how about another week as a compromise (ie until 21 January)? I don't think it should end the same time as the POTY16 one, that would be too confusing!
So my calendar tells me this should end tomorrow! Come on folks, get your Christmas entries in now! Dev those films, scan those negs, get cracking... :)
Mine is in, you'll need to overlook the editing, scaning etc. Editing was done on my phone by flikr, softness is a slightly missed focus from shooting at F1.4 and oversharpening is by ASDA. But you get the idea.
I'm going to miss this as my idea of using the film up for poty ain't going to work while the weather is cold...h'mm it makes my chillblains worse standing still on cold ground...getting old can be annoying at times :(
I got nuthin', sorry folks never used the camera at all over Xmas.
I'm going to miss this as my idea of using the film up for poty ain't going to work while the weather is cold...h'mm it makes my chillblains worse standing still on cold ground...getting old can be annoying at times :(

Now come on Brian, you've got until tomorrow evening, shoot some this arvo in the nice sun and if necessary take the part film to ASDA tomorrow...:banana::D
Now come on Brian, you've got until tomorrow evening, shoot some this arvo in the nice sun and if necessary take the part film to ASDA tomorrow...:banana::D

Well Chris what about my chillblains :D In these comps if I post early and think it's a great shot, someone posts after and mine looks this comp my night shots (if they come out with OM2 on semi auto) ain't going to be the winner for what I've seen :eek: but all is not lost as anything decent will post in the "show us shot film etc thread.
Anyway for my poty shot the sun has to be in the right place (low this time of the year) as there are trees around...and I've missed it today.
What about all that for an excuse :eek::D
Well Chris what about my chillblains :D In these comps if I post early and think it's a great shot, someone posts after and mine looks this comp my night shots (if they come out with OM2 on semi auto) ain't going to be the winner for what I've seen :eek: but all is not lost as anything decent will post in the "show us shot film etc thread.
Anyway for my poty shot the sun has to be in the right place (low this time of the year) as there are trees around...and I've missed it today.
What about all that for an excuse :eek::D

What are you trying to say! My shot was on a OM2 in semi auto mode on vista (400 I admit) and dealt with by asda! I'm insulted! :D
What are you trying to say! My shot was on a OM2 in semi auto mode on vista (400 I admit) and dealt with by asda! I'm insulted! :D

I'll never insult anyone using Asda or a T70 :D
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In these comps if I post early and think it's a great shot, someone posts after and mine looks crap...

Something to think about for FPOTY16... we normally just have an open thread for entries, but that does mean there's an effect on later entries from the earlier ones (potentially). I might have been planning a certain type of shot, then one goes up and I'm tempted to go for something else to avoid a "me, too" feeling. Or not enter at all if I think the other ones are better ("chilling effect"). However, doing anything else means some kind of blind system, most likely email entries to someone like the last 3 years' POTY or last year's SPOTY. That would need a volunteer who wasn't entering...

I suppose if we leave the entries thread until near the end of the month, maybe that's a bit like blind entering? ;)
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Maybe we put the entry thread up on the first of the next month for a few days. We're all adults and let's face it if you haven't shot by the last day then an extra few probably won't help.
OK, just getting on to the poll now, folks, you have but a few minutes (unless I get distracted!)...
Well my idea, and as xmas was something to do with religion o_O..,was a night shot of a church erm which was a complete disaster as the whole area has orange street lights inc the church, well ok the OM2 did well getting the exposure right and I could have conv to B\W but I'd lost the screw that attached the camera to the tripod so just rested the camera and the camera shake was terrible.
Anyway xmas street lights anywhere I live were pathetic here's what I mean and the only decent shot that night and getting rid of the orange could be a nightmare (pun intended) erm I suppose the digi guys dial in filter for orange street lamps:-
