FILM MEET Sunday 7th September RSPB reserve on the Isle of Grain

Thanks Asha, unfortunately both my shots of the bench and castle were ruined by some bloke trying to work out how to use a Hasselblad!
Yeah he was a flippin nuisance .......... Hé was gunna ask for advice but didnt fancy approaching them two 'ard lookin' southern geezers nearby:eek::D
Well done Nick, Here are three of mine,maybe not the best three,we will have to wait for Asha. :)

Sorry about the last one leaving the photographer OOF and some other bloke in focus is a real rookie mistake. :D:naughty:
I seem to remember he had that perplexed look on his face most of the day :LOL:
In this case leaving both photographers out of focus (or even out of shot) would have been advisable.
Otherwise excellent shots Richard.

Asha,it is no good putting up silly icon,s,you NEED to put up photographs
Asha,it is no good putting up silly icon,s,you NEED to put up photographs

I had a horrible feeling you were going to ask that of me :nailbiting:

I'm working on it .....Us country hillbillies only have one speed .....and it aint fast!:D

Yorkshire coward,even the two of us Southern softies,s have posted. :banana::D
There my be more to post in the coming days / weeks when i get round to em, however here's the shot taken in the Cathedral Hassy handheld 1/4 second ( it might even have been a half second!)

I had to "work" with it a bit not least of all due to a distinct green colour cast so it's far from great but I reckon it will pass as a 6x6cm or 10 x 10cm print no problem.

A nice reminder of a cracking day with you both(y)

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Isn't it generally accepted that if you judge yourself the winner of a competition you entered, you supply your own prize? ;) And also the runners-up prizes, of course...:naughty:
Isn't it generally accepted that if you judge yourself the winner of a competition you entered, you supply your own prize? ;) And also the runners-up prizes, of course...:naughty:
That sunflowers shot is a cracker, the best of the bunch by far.
Very nice young Asha. The force is strong in this one.
Nice set there Asha,so a few more from me.



Looks like you were with some fun guys.