Film when Travelling??

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Hiya im going to greece tommorrow and im wondering where would be the best place to store my film?? main lugguge or hand luggage?? please help!! xx
I always stick in with my hand luggage (did the year before, last year and will do this year) so if it requires searching then it is easy accessible, also I never travel with film in the camera if I can help it.
I had some ISO 800 film in my main luggage and half of it was destroyed, I have been fine with putting stuff in my hand luggage. I believe you can get film hand searched instead of going through the xray but I may be wrong..
Nope mine all went through the hand scanners and my film was ok. Mind you I have not travelled with any fast film so can't comment on that.

I believe that the scanners that do the bags before going in the hold are a lot more powerful than the ones in Customs which may explain Liam unfortunate incident
Nope mine all went through the hand scanners and my film was ok. Mind you I have not travelled with any fast film so can't comment on that.

I believe that the scanners that do the bags before going in the hold are a lot more powerful than the ones in Customs which may explain Liam unfortunate incident

what iso did u take?
Actually I tell a lie I did take ISO 400 a couple of years ago and that was ok, but most of the time it is 50, 100 or 200 ISO
Hand luggage and give it to them to check as opposed to going through the X-ray EVERY time.
I believe that the scanners that do the bags before going in the hold are a lot more powerful than the ones in Customs which may explain Liam unfortunate incident


Kodak Technical Information Bulletin: Baggage X-ray Scanning Effects on Film

Kodak said:
Airport Baggage Scanning Equipment Can Jeopardize Your Unprocessed Film

Because your pictures are important to you, this information is presented as an alert to travelers carrying unprocessed film. New FAA-certified (Federal Aviation Administration) explosive detection systems are being used in U.S. airports to scan (x-ray) checked baggage. This stronger scanning equipment is also being used in many non-US airports. The new equipment will fog any unprocessed film that passes through the scanner.


X-ray equipment used to inspect carry-on baggage uses a very low level of x-radiation that will not cause noticeable damage to most films. However, baggage that is checked (loaded on the planes as cargo) often goes through equipment with higher energy X rays. Therefore, take these precautions when traveling with unprocessed film:

worth a read if you're not familiar with the issues.
I have always travelled with my film in hand luggage - just sent it through the hand luggage scanner too, never bothered with them hand checking it.

I tended to only use ISO 400 Fuji superia / reala film and never found any of it fogged.
I've only ever put film (both exposed and unexposed) in my hand luggage. The checked baggage x-ray scanners are much more powerful and may fog your film.

I've put upto ISO 400 through the hand luggage scanners fine, but anything over that I've said that it's sensitive photographic film and could they hand check it...that's usually been OK for most security guys as they can open up the cardboard box (but not the wrapper!) and see for themselves. They sometimes swab with the chemical detectors as well.

Be polite and you'll be fine. Bear in mind also that the older X-ray scanners are a bit more powerful as well (so Greek scanners might fog!)
My Fuji 1600asa film was ok to Spain return 2 years ago, for hand luggage scan....Gatwick going out but can't remember what Spanish airport leaving.
I took a variety of film through hand baggage to and from Cuba last year and had no problem at all either way, and their x-ray machines are not the newest around.
... The new whole-body scanners shouldn't be a problem if you happen to have a roll of film in your pocket as the HPA has assessed that they give us humans a fraction of the annual background radiation dose that we and film are already exposed to; see link.

Otherwise, your baggage (and film) will be scanned as at present and there the advice is not to put your film into your checked baggage and only if your hand baggage will be going through more than five security scans might you have a problem; see this link and this one.
I just posted this in another thread and thought you might like to see the information at the links.
I don't know if this is quite a good or bad thing but with me I can't even pass through the metal detector let alone those millimetre wave scanners because I have an insulin pump and theres a slight chance of any radiation etc damaging the memory or functions on it so I have to get hand searched every time. When I go to Turkey next Thursday I'm going to put my film in my pocket and if they ask what it is when I get searched, I'll say (trying not to sound sarcastic) "Its film, you know what you put in a film camera":). I definently don't want there to be any problems with my film.
And they have to hand search me because if they should force me to pass through the scanner or remove my insulin pump then I can sue them for breaching my human rights.:LOL: