films/series that you don't understand

Revolver what the .....


Absolute crap film - attempted to do a KILL BILL with the Japanese anime bit but totally blew it!

Definitely not another Quentin Tarrantino even though two of his other films (Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) were very good.

You have to read the book.


I've never read the actual book 2001, but I have read the book of the sequel '2010' (but not ever seen the film of it yet!) and thats a great help in influencing your opinion of what happened in '2001' as Kubrick always intended it for the viewer to draw their own conclusion as to what it was about and when interviewed and asked about it he always refused to comment on the underlying meaning, saying it was up to the person.

There again a lot of Kubrick's other films (The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut) are like that just not quite to the same extent.
The only film I've ever walked out of was natural born killers

All the hype about banning it meant the cinema was full

After 30 minutes we'd had enough so we left

20 years on it was on TV so I forced myself to watch it

What a pile of ¢¥^:p

I've only fallen asleep once in the cinema- 'the Scorpion king' don't think the company I was with was very impressed lol

Surely both examples of films you just didn't enjoy, not one's you didn't understand? :thinking: :)
No, I didn't understand what was going on so fell asleep.
Fight Club. Cracking film, but still don't fully get it.

I didn't first time around tbh, until right at the end ... then watched it again, more alert [not drunk] and could see it all fall into place. It's one of those, 'once you know - you're just watching fr slip ups' type flicks. Like The Usual suspects.
+1 Eraserhead, what a weird film.
Cloud atlas!

I enjoyed it, but didn't have a clue wtf was going on.

Its about how souls interact with one another through time even though their bodies are different. At least what I got from it.

One episode of breaking bad. In season 3, jessy ends one of the episode completely fine, next episode is in a hospital bed with a swollen eye... It hadn't gone back in time at all. I even watched the previous episode over to make sure I missed nothing...

But lost definitely goes into the list, the plot just went crazy and felt like they couldn't string it back togethor.
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Jacobs Ladder is another one that springs to mind that confused the hell out of me