Filter on Macro Lens

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Do I get myself a UV Filter for a macro lens to protect it or what you suggest?
Ok thanks.... Just though would it effect the macro shoots
Which macro lens is it? The front element of my Tamron 90mm is recessed about an inch and a half from the front of the filter thread - way out of all but the most persistent sticky fingers - and a filter is far enough from the front element for fingerprints and dust on the filter to have a detrimental effect on images at close focusing distances
I don't use a filter on my Nikkor 105 Micro as the front lens face is deeply recessed in the lens body. I would imagine this to be the case with similar macro lenes from other manufacturers.

To me it's an extra expense not required, and could add extra flaring to your images.
I don't use them, not even for protection. Only time I'll use a filter is when I want some effect on the pic, ie polariser or star light etc.
I use to have filters on all my lenses but after doing quite a bit of testing even the good expensive ones appear to cause a slight loss in IQ, with macro IQ is very important so I no longer use filters for any of my macro shots/lenses, however I still use them on all my other lenses.
As said I think I would only use one if the front lens glass is not recessed, or a lens hood is not fitted.