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Hi, this is my first proper post.
I am using a Fuji s4200. I have the kiwi fotos filter adapter and a 72mm CPL filter. The kit is excellent. Fits on the camera nicely.

Anyway, I'm after some creative filters. Any recommendations? I'm on a fairly strict budget, but I don't fancy wasting money on the cheaper eBay filters.

Hi, It's impossible for anyone to advise you on creative filters until they know what type of shots you wish to take.
Most creative effects can be done much more accurately using a good bit of software such as Adobe Elements or even better a full version of Photoshop.
Having said that you would be better off getting a good Polarizing filter (virtually impossible to simulate with software) which can also work as a mild N/Density filter. A Neutral Grey Grad is also very useful if you want to shoot landscapes.
Other than that I would suggest you stick to taking good shots in the first instance and save your money for something you really need, as you will quickly get fed up with special effects.
Hope this helps.
After spending around £200 on good quality UV filters when I started out shooting with a dslr I hardly ever use any filters now. The UV filters had such an adverse effect on IQ that I'll only use them in really adverse conditions.

The only filter I use now is a CPL which you already have. I wouldn't mind getting an ND filter, either grad or full to try some long exposure shots but that's about it for me. There are various 'kits' of filters available with colours, star effect, soft focus, diffuser and flourescent filters but it would really depend on what you'd want to be shooting. I personally wouldn't go with the 'gimmicky' bokeh filters but other people have.
Are you wanting filters for landscape use?

If so I'd recommend starting with some ND grads, 3 and 2 stop hard edge are enough to get you going, and a filter holder.

Depending on budget in order of expense and quality you're looking at Cokin - Hitech - Lee.

Thanks for this, I have been looking at a Cokin P series Graduated set. I also like the look of a tobacco graduated filter. Thanks for the replies :)

I did aquire a British made Filtek 67mm square filter set the other day, shame they are to small to fit the P series holder, but they have given me some ideas.
I am assuming Filtek no longer operate as I couldnt find much on Google. I did see the same set on ebay for £5... but I would imagine it is worth a little more?