Final Cut Pro

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Final Cut Pro X is released in August and will only cost $299 - can't wait. Loads of useful stuff for the DSLR user, and a massive upgrade from FCE which I am using at present.
300 bucks? I'm assuming that's for the upgrade not to buy as a new user?

buy new.

MAJOR price slash, and available from the app store.

Interesting to see where they're going with it really... presumably they've felt a bit of heat now that premiere's manned up so they do actually have some real competition, and with the number of people with video dslrs, they're hoping to catch the non-pro market that stills needs decent features?
Interesting to see where they're going with it really... presumably they've felt a bit of heat now that premiere's manned up so they do actually have some real competition, and with the number of people with video dslrs, they're hoping to catch the non-pro market that stills needs decent features?

ironic really, when you consider that FCP only got established by massively undercutting Avid in the pro market, that they are being threated by a cheaper alternative...:naughty:
Ooh interesting, finally fcp becomes accessible to us low budget filmmakers!
ooo that price is good news. Got a really old version running on a really old mac G5, which in turn is still running Panther OS.

Might be time for an upgrade....though have seen many "pros" bitching about the new version.
Crucially it supports 64bit Operating Systems so those with powerful newer macs will finally get a chance to utilize all that power under the bonnet. The interface hasn't gone down massively well with the old guard but change is often frowned upon. The real question mark lies in what the plan is for the rest of the "pro" suite. The new price point is purely for FinalCut X which will include tools for Color (which used to be a standalone app) and tools for Audio mixing (again, Soundtrack Pro was another standalone app in the FCP suite). So $299 sounds great but if you suddenly find DVD Studio Pro X and Motion X are $199 each then those costs soon rise again.
interesting im a fcp user with fcp 6

studio 3 / fcp 7 here.

It'll be interesting to see what the redesign does to the professional users - there's a lot of mentions of 'automatic' and 'instant' processing, when actually, full control's where it's at. I'm hoping they haven't dumbed it down, but rather spent more time making it less crashy and easier to use, in response to them finally having some serious competition from premiere...
i use final cut everyday at work and can;t wait for the new version. the fact that it is 64bit alone will make my life better, haha. it'll be interesting to see how "pro" it will be though as early reports seem to suggest it is more prosumer.
I am getting my first ever Mac tomorrow (a 2010 Macbook pro). If FCP X will run on this slightly older machine then it's a steal at that price - at least compared to the price of other NLEs.
it'll run fine on that.... my computer is a late 2007 mbp, works fine. Exporting can take a while....

at work we've got 4 mac pros clustered for exporting, and it still isn't quick mind :p
it'll run fine on that.... my computer is a late 2007 mbp, works fine. Exporting can take a while....

at work we've got 4 mac pros clustered for exporting, and it still isn't quick mind :p

no? You must be doing a lot of transitions or frame rate changes and text then. I can render a 15 minute clip on my iMac i5 quad core in about 10 minutes
no? You must be doing a lot of transitions or frame rate changes and text then. I can render a 15 minute clip on my iMac i5 quad core in about 10 minutes

yeah, does depends what we're doing. We export a /lot/ of pretty long stuff too (several hour shows etc)
The screen shots released do look very imovie ish, but I can't believe they would dumb it down too much. I will be most upset if it really only has one monitor window - but I would still buy it.
this'll come just in time for the new basketball season for me.. last season went with Final Cut Express.. but if I can get the 'full package' for £300.. I won't be complaining about that..
Very interesting with the massive price cut. A easier to use interface is all good with me as long as the power is still there under the hood.
I think 2 video monitors is absolutely vital. I can't believe that they would cripple it to that extent - I think they demoed it on a single screen/ lap top mode - although why they would do this baffles me.
I think 2 video monitors is absolutely vital. I can't believe that they would cripple it to that extent - I think they demoed it on a single screen/ lap top mode - although why they would do this baffles me.

...Editing in the field...
I think 2 video monitors is absolutely vital. I can't believe that they would cripple it to that extent - I think they demoed it on a single screen/ lap top mode - although why they would do this baffles me.

...Editing in the field on minimalist equipment...

(not saying that's a good thing... its just what people are demanding now...)
I love the auto lip sync - analysing the audio waveform of the SLR footage and automatically syncing other tracks with the same audio - not only that, but doing it to sub frame accuracy.