Finally, Processed my first roll of film!

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Quality sucks because of my cheap Neg scanner but I this was my favourite.


I can't believe how rewarding it was! I felt like I actually had to work to get an image!
Yeah, it's a frighteningly long time since I developed my first roll of film - I was a kid - but I remember being quite surprised (shocked?) that it actually turned out very well! There is a sense of achievement, and watching an image come up in the developer during wet printing is quite magical too.

I never tried colour developing/printing or slide processing but I sometimes wish I had.
I developed my first roll a few weeks ago. I've only done one more roll since but love the thrill of it.

Your development looks good to me. The image has a nice contrast to it.
Love Greyhounds,love that pose of what must be your bitch and she, if correct is starring straight through you as they are prone to do. Just love it and would have that on my study wall,no question.(y)
I never tried my hands on developing prints & rolls. Well I think i should try it sometime. Should be fun to do all the processing developing and wet printing.
Love Greyhounds,love that pose of what must be your bitch and she, if correct is starring straight through you as they are prone to do. Just love it and would have that on my study wall,no question.(y)

Thankyou very much:)

She is a Lurcher actually, and believe it or not 14 years old!

I did the above roll at Southend College as I'm doing a weekend course there. However I have set up my Home Dark room (a pasting table in the loft surrounded by boxes:D) and have just spent £50 on chemicals at Silverprint. I think I'm ready to have a crack at home
I like that very much. A lovely shot and well done on home revving. I keep saying I'm going to give it a go myself, need to get my finger out.
I like that very much. A lovely shot and well done on home revving. I keep saying I'm going to give it a go myself, need to get my finger out.

You should! I'd say all in including Everything from camera, consumables, dark room gear etc. It has cost me about £105 that includes about 10 rolls of film and chemicals to see me for probably a year at least.
That's a great result particularly from your first dev'd roll, I'd be more than happy to get results like that.