Find the film titles

Oh I suggest giving it 24hours before posting any answers so as not to spoil it for late comers. :)
Or you can use the spoiler tag :D

[spoiler]Answer here[/spoiler], makes

Answer here

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I'm useless with film titles, but will have a bash.
I have so far :

Silence of the lambs
lol I tried this a few weeks back - got the same as Marcel has there, then got lost and a bit bored :( meant to go back to it - I guess thats my lunch break filled now :D
That's great! I don't watch horror films (cos I'm a scaredy cat ;) ) but I gave it a go anyway and surprised myself with 13...

12 Monkeys
Silence of the lambs
The Fly
Children of the corn
Clockwork Orange
Invisible Man
Friday 13th
The Shining
Nightmare on Elm Street
Well ok then I got 6 and I can see most of the ones posted above now that I know them.

The Birds
Clockwork Orange
The Howling
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Fly
Been staring at it for too long now. Got 25 so far and not looked at your spoilers lists (yet).
HeHe... joint effort between myself and the other half and we have only 7 left to get :D
got 36 then cheated. Glad I did, had never heard of the others!!
Never noticed the pause button! So completed now in a record time of 4.5 hours :)

With a bit of help from my daughter who had cheated her way to the answers weeks ago. There were a few there I'd never heard of.

Didn't get
The Omen
and really groaned when told what it was... I was sure they were zeros :LOL:
I got 46 in 30mins... im now totally stuck and have given up... Ive got all of the above listed answers and I sit here waiting for someone to post the full list. Good game. :)

Might as well post some of the ones i got..

Dark water
39 steps
the birds
the crow
childs play
butterfly effect
the ring
rosemarys baby
the mummy
pitch black
house of wax
war of the worlds
the hills have eyes
the village
creature from the black lagoon
All the ones not already shown in this thread, if you have them please.

The Women on the stairs?
The 3 lost people with a map
the crazy tied up person bottom right
The juggler
The grim reaper in a round fenced area
The bloke at a window with a telescope.
The mountain...

LOL 7 there and i was only missing 4... should have saved.
All the ones not already shown in this thread, if you have them please.

The Women on the stairs?
The 3 lost people with a map
the crazy tied up person bottom right
The juggler
The grim reaper in a round fenced area
The bloke at a window with a telescope.
The mountain... not sure what you mean

LOL 7 there and i was only missing 4... should have saved.

Thanks, still 2 to get here...

The women on the stairs i mean the M&M women with the handbag walking down the stairs.
The mountain, i kinda mean the big mountain at the top of the picture.

PM'd them to you.
Grim Reaper in a fenced circle = Dead Zone
Baby covered in green leaves = Rosemary's Baby
Man with pencil for a head = EraserHead
Man in darkness Yelling = Scream
Blackbird in the top right = The Crow
Darkened Archway in bottom left = Pitch Black
Man with Candy for a head = CandyMan
Man with bucket over his head = Wickerman
Giant Orange Clock = Clockwork Orange
Man in Straight Jacket = Psycho
Floating hat, gloves and eyeglasses next to Psycho = Invisible Man
Kids with the map = Lost Boys
Swarm of Butterflies = Butterfly Effect
Blue M&M with hoop = The Ring
Woman with children = Mummy
Three children Dancing in a circle = Child's Play
Bug spilling out of the glass = Beetlejuice
Monster in the swamp = Creature from the Black Lagoon
Green M&M in a dress = Blue Velvet
Saw in the Tree = Saw
Little Green man in the Tree = Leprechaun
Red M&M juggling Pennies = Sixth Sense
Group of Monkeys = 12 Monkeys
Penknife = Blade
Man with the Lamp = The Shining
Sheep with Earmuffs on = Silence of the Lambs
Hanging Map of Texas in Shreds = Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Men on stairs back to back = The Grudge
The stairs = 39 steps
Big fish = Piranha
Man in bed surrounded by demons (street sign) = Nightmare on Elm St
Corn running with feet = Children of the Corn
October's Date burned in the field = Friday the 13th
Wolves in the field = The Howling
Man with spyglass in the window = Rear Window
Signs at top of stairs = Signs
Man with Pumpkin for a head = PumpkinHead
Small grouping of dark houses = The Village
The Number Seven on the Bell Tower = Seven
House that looks like a candle = House of Wax
Flock of Birds behind the Candle House = The Birds
Glowing eyes up in the hills = The Hills Have Eyes
Mountain Top = Twin Peaks
Bug at the foot of the Mountain = The Fly
Men with O's = The Omen
Woman with Bucket of water = Dark Water
The Colliding Planets = The War of the Worlds
Pumpkins Behind the Stairs = Halloween
Jaw Alien in the Bell tower = Alien
bone beside stairs = Jaws