First attempt at a plane in flight. Lancaster and not sure!

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this is my first go at a plane in flight. I know one is the Lancaster, but unsure of the other. Shame I cut off the back end but it was faster than I thought. It was a very dull afternoon.

Good photos, they were coming back to land in Lincoln i presume after a day out in Clacton at the air show.
If interested about the aircraft you've photographed click on this link
which will take you to the BBMF website.

Shutter speed is slightly fast, I use 1/125 to 1/180 on my canon 600D. Start there and then move onto using some of the other setting such as ISO and Av. I set ISO to 100 and Av to a 3rd.

I'm sure other more experienced members on here will explain how to set your Nikon up as I'm a canon man.
For propeller aircraft as already said you want a slower shutter speed to get some nice prop blur with the the zenith being fully prop disks (y) also try and avoid clipping bit of the aircraft, such as on the spitfire you've clipped a little of the horizontal stabilizer :bonk: the final thing is try where possible to have the sun even on a cloudy day like this to your rear and these are both a little dark

Thanks for the advice regarding shutter speed , iso, posistion etc. Its all taken onboard. They were taken at RAF Coningsby today at about 5pm. I'm only 15 mins away so I plan to get back asap. Heres another of the Lancaster coming in to land. I know its a bit dark, could I get more detail in Lightroom.

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