First attempt at focus stacking! Weevil

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Hi all,

I'd appreciate some thoughts on this - it's not the most exciting composition - the weevil is a dead mounted one from a friend's collection that he lent me to have a crack at stacking.

I used a focussing rail on a tripod with my 1DMKiii + MP-e 65mm. My 580ExII was off camera to the right with a diffuser on it. The left came out a little dark and needed balancing in Lightroom.

I used the CombineZP free stacking program (which took ages!) & the image is a stack of 69-ish shots.


Brilliant definition on that Phil, I'd say you nailed the stacking there (y)

''it's not the most exciting composition''
If that's how you feel about it, perhaps a follow up shot taken at more of an oblique angle (head closest) would provide more of an 'interesting' take on this?
Amazing shot Phil. No need to ask how your getting on with the focus rail :)
Many thanks for all the encourage - technique seems to be ok, I now need to make it a more dynamic composition!

Thats a cracker Phil. :clap: What focus rail are you using and do you need a special plate to mount it to the tripod?

I'm using a Manfrotto 454. I simply have a quick release plate on the bottom so I can easily attach it to the tripod. I have also bought a quick release mechanism for the top so I can easily stick the camera on.

Many thanks for all the encourage - technique seems to be ok, I now need to make it a more dynamic composition!

I'm using a Manfrotto 454. I simply have a quick release plate on the bottom so I can easily attach it to the tripod. I have also bought a quick release mechanism for the top so I can easily stick the camera on.


Thanks Phil. sorry to be such a pain in the bum, but do you have the details of both release plates?
Excellent shot, Phil. A small reflector (bit of paper) on his rear end would have bounced some light back. Sixty-nine shots, eh? I find that using a small aperture (at least f/16) helps keep down the number needed, but you often need to use flash for that. I use Helicon, and that can take a few minutes to process if there are a lot of shots.

I think you may be addicted now.:)
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Fantastic pic Phil (y)
I'm new to photography and still find most of it mind boggling but macro is the thing thats pulling me in, looking at a cheap rail myself and the 454 is one I might be interested in.
Thanks both - I'd forgotten about this post as it about 19 months old!
Looks awesome, outta curiosity is there any chance of seeing a soomed in crop to see how much detail it really has captured?