Critique First attempt at focus stacking

Can you let us know how many photos in the stack, the f stop used, software used etc?

Stack looks good though some really good detail in there.
The settings and camera were:
Taken on a 7d with a 105mm f2.8 macros OS sigma and a 2x TC

  • iso100
  • F16
  • 1/100s
  • Flash 1 (-2/3) power
  • with a DIY softbox(that im really please with )

Magic Lantern 9 image Stack
  • Initial focus on the eye
  • 2 in front
  • 6 behind
  • steps of 5
  • with a delay of 3s for the flash to cycle
then took the images in to light room croped out a little extra white space to the right and bottom and lens corrected (as if was just the 105) increased clarity slightly and syced all images then exported the images to photoshop and used the automate stacking and then blended them.
and there you have it

The second s just a closer crop of the first to show the detail.
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The settings and camera were:
Taken on a 7d with a 105mm f2.8 macros OS sigma and a 2x TC

  • iso100
  • F16
  • 1/100s
  • Flash 1 (-2/3) power
  • with a DIY softbox(that im really please with )

Magic Lantern 9 image Stack
  • Initial focus on the eye
  • 2 in front
  • 6 behind
  • steps of 5
  • with a delay of 3s for the flash to cycle
then took the images in to light room croped out a little extra white space to the right and bottom and lens corrected (as if was just the 105) increased clarity slightly and syced all images then exported the images to photoshop and used the automate stacking and then blended them.
and there you have it

The second s just a closer crop of the first to show the detail.

Thanks.... now I would say if you want more detail reduce fstop to f5.6 or f8 for more detail out of the image f16 seems a little excessive as is the number of images for the stack. Obviously you will need to take more shots a lower apertures but as said detail would be greatly increased.

This was proven by @TimmyG search his threads on this section and you'll find it.

Would you mind sharing your homemade softbox?
that is SUPER EWWWWWWW! christ, i can see through its skull. Legs look broken too though the rest of the body looks fairly intact? You been at it with the fly swatter? lol

Fab detail james, thats pretty amazing detail and please do share your homemade softbox :)
Might try doing it again with 5.6 as it's a wide as the lens will go with the tc on it and stack up a few more images see how much more detail I can get.. If anyone really wants more ewwwwww.. have some extentjon tubes coming soon too so might save this little x critter :) for a retake :) 1:4x anyone?? :)

I never noticed you could see through it till I had it in light room real scary

Nope not me killing it I found it under a spiders web in our porch evedently been caught and evicted later

The softbox is nothing amazing il get some pics of it tonight I'm just pleased with the results from it the difference it makes. It's only card and kitchen role for defused
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Might try doing it again with 5.6 as it's a wide as the lens will go with the tc on it and stack up a few more images see how much more detail I can get.. If anyone really wants more ewwwwww.. have some extentjon tubes coming soon too so might save this little x critter :) for a retake :) 1:4x anyone?? :)

I never noticed you could see through it till I had it in light room real scary

Nope not me killing it I found it under a spiders web in our porch evedently been caught and evicted later

The softbox is nothing amazing il get some pics of it tonight I'm just pleased with the results from it the difference it makes. It's only card and kitchen role for defused

You mean 4:1 lol... but that would be same as I get from my reversed 18-55mm setup :) though not sure 50mm of tubes on 210mm equivalent lens would give you 4:1.

I stuck 2x full tubes on my tamron + 1.4x TC and it didn't get to that level.
You mean 4:1 lol... but that would be same as I get from my reversed 18-55mm setup :) though not sure 50mm of tubes on 210mm equivalent lens would give you 4:1.

I stuck 2x full tubes on my tamron + 1.4x TC and it didn't get to that level.

haha yer i wondered if i put it the wrong way round DOH!!!
I dont no what you would get be well worth the effort lo to see the image
That also makes me wonder what id get if reversed the 105 ???
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Based on 55mm setting which is lowest magnification I get out of reversed lens not a lot. Though you could reverse a 50mm onto your macro lens and use it as a powerful dioptre.

Not something I have tried. :)
Do you think that hole in the eye is where the spider stuck it's fang in and injected it's venom which dissolved the soft tissues inside the fly and enabled the spider to suck out all that soupy goodness like it was drinking a milkshake?

Great first stack! It would be interesting to see one with a wider aperture and more "slices" to see how magic lantern can cope. I have tried it before, but got myself a cheap macro rail at one point so didn't continue experimenting and no doubt didn't use it to it's full potential. Nice lighting on these!
The settings and camera were:
Taken on a 7d with a 105mm f2.8 macros OS sigma and a 2x TC

  • iso100
  • F16
  • 1/100s
  • Flash 1 (-2/3) power
  • with a DIY softbox(that im really please with )

Magic Lantern 9 image Stack
  • Initial focus on the eye
  • 2 in front
  • 6 behind
  • steps of 5
  • with a delay of 3s for the flash to cycle
then took the images in to light room croped out a little extra white space to the right and bottom and lens corrected (as if was just the 105) increased clarity slightly and syced all images then exported the images to photoshop and used the automate stacking and then blended them.
and there you have it

The second s just a closer crop of the first to show the detail.

Ahh Magic Lantern. I don't know what I would do without it on my 550D.

Great shot. obviously you could have gotten more shots to have the whole fly in focus, but I like it like this and the DOF keep the attention to the face. Nicely done (y)
I Tired a better stack but unfortunately the guy has now seen better days no legs one wing it didn't make much of a photo so will have to wait for the next chance I get on something else

and my extentjon tubes have arrived woop !!