First attempt at Infrared

I think that's beautiful Sam.
I love infrared stuff and I think you've really pulled this off well.

My only criticism is that the bridge feels too dominating and is taking my eye away from the lovely IR trees. I think maybe a bit of a rotation to your left and you would have had a more balanced and pleasing composition.
I think a panoramic shot of the scene would work rather well, overall though I like it, well done.
Hi Samantha, I am into infra red and have two fully converted bodies and have posted quite a few images, have you tried fully switching the colour channels ? here is one of mine demonstrating the basic conversions.

Here are a few links you may find interesting.

And for some really good examples of infra red photography.

hope all that helps :)
I am using an IR filter, wouldnt dare convert my camera.

Hi Galaxay

I have switched the colours but cant get them as good as yours. I am still learning. I love your photos they are stunning.

I will give them links a try and I am sure I will learn something from them. Hopefully get the pictures as good as yours.
I am using an IR filter, wouldnt dare convert my camera.

Hi Galaxay

I have switched the colours but cant get them as good as yours. I am still learning. I love your photos they are stunning.

I will give them links a try and I am sure I will learn something from them. Hopefully get the pictures as good as yours.

The end result depends a lot on the amount of sun available, always try to take your pics with the sun behind you and this will improve colour. You can also use the hue slider slightly to alter colour.

Sometimes better results can be gained from converting the out of camera jpeg rather than the raw pic.

Best of luck.
wow i really love it well done.