First attempt at portrait's

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altho it was taen a while ago i've just joined the forum so thought i'd post it up. my first attempt at a portrait using Canon 400D, white sheets, a cheap (£20) flash and a little photoshop. C&C more than welcome

Im a newby myself mate but you have done a great job with limited lighting.Nice pic (y)

I am guessing thats the mum? Her face is too dark, and in too much shadow. Still, a lovely moment caught though, parents dont care about technical aspects of their images, so I bet she loves it :)
she does indeed, and thank you for your comments, i'll get around to posting up some more of my recient work later, just to forewarn everyone post production is my weak point incase you didn't realise from the above pic lol
Very nice,, at first I thought there was too much white infront of them but on 2nd and 3 look I changed my mind.
Might it look a little different (not better) with a thin line around the border maybe?

Great work and thanks for sharing
Its a nice pose, I agree with Dee on mum's face being in shadow, but with the equipment you had you have done a nice job.
I find the sheet a bit too high in the shot and a little distracting , personaly I would crop some off either side which imo would help the shot loads.
hi mate like i showed you in the pm ..


all i did was move the levels up a bit.
dodge the ladys face alittle to lighten.
and add a little usm " un sharpen mask"

oh and cropped it like someone suggested...

thank you kindly ..MD..

good luck with the impending arrival, is this the first?

no mate :D


i know i know .

what can i say i'm a lover not a fighter...:love:

no mate :D


i know i know .

what can i say i'm a lover not a fighter...:love:


Do you have no TV in your house? :LOL:

And back to the OP.....I think the image is lovely, and may have benefitted if the flash was at the opposite side. Looking at the catchlights it looks as if the light was on the LHS of the pair, it may have been lit better if on the RHS of them.
well done is all i can say for the limited resources you had you have done a brilliant job and the edit is quite good as well.