First attempt at sport photography - local Rugby Union

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Sandal_Rugby_121006_1 by Simon Hulme, on Flickr


Sandal_Rugby_121006_2 by Simon Hulme, on Flickr


Sandal_Rugby_121006_3 by Simon Hulme, on Flickr


Sandal_Rugby_121006_4 by Simon Hulme, on Flickr


Sandal_Rugby_121006_5 by Simon Hulme, on Flickr

Had a go yesterday at local rugby match. Using Canon 70-300mm f4-5.6 lens so a bit limited when it comes to background blur. Even with this length lens ended up having to crop some images a lot to focus on action and quality may have suffered. Had to bump up ISO to 1600 which doesn't seem to be dealt with very well by my old Canon EOS 400d body but applied NR in LR3 + some sharpening.

Next time I will have to think more about shooting angle especially regarding background and will also shoot from lower angle.

Any opinion/help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers
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Like the composition but think the lens struggled with your available light possibly.:shrug: Number 3 would be my pick of the bunch.
Like the composition but think the lens struggled with your available light possibly.:shrug: Number 3 would be my pick of the bunch.

Thanks for comments. Glad you like the composition. It was a challenge following the action. I had to bin loads with heads and various limbs missing!

I think I may invest in a 200m f2.8 lens. The canon l series one looks like fairly good value. I may use the 70-300mm IS more in low light in situations when a slower shutter speed is appropriate
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I like number 4, the guys expressions are great and i like the players and grass background over the bricks. I also like number 5 but i wish his hands were in the shot.
Good first attempt. I like 3 and 4. Number 5 is probably the weakest though. I assume it's a try's just been scored but you wouldn't know because it just looks like he's lying on the ground. It's not easy obviously but try and get a shot of a try being scored, rather than the player flopped on the ground which is a couple of seconds too late. But again, good work for a first attempt!
i think im suffering from the same lens problem as yourself, my 90-300mm lens doesnt get the best out what i want. ive also been considering taking the plunge on the L series lens!
Some vibrant images, I'd say 4 is the stongest of the set but overall the set is not that solid.

I shot a rugby match on Saturday with a 70-200 f4 L and I din't get the best results due to flat light and having only shot once before. It reaches about 3/4 the length of the pitch and is a dream to use compared to the kit lens I used before. Just looking through the viewfinder you can instantly tell the difference.

I was running at ISO 400 and 1/500 at f4. Rugby is not the easiest thing to shoot!
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Good first attempt. I like 3 and 4. Number 5 is probably the weakest though. I assume it's a try's just been scored but you wouldn't know because it just looks like he's lying on the ground. It's not easy obviously but try and get a shot of a try being scored, rather than the player flopped on the ground which is a couple of seconds too late. But again, good work for a first attempt!

Thanks for feedback. I tried to get some of him scoring but none came out well. I will have another go in a few weeks if it is a sunny day! I struggled to keep the shutter speed short enough with the poor light. My 400d only goes up to iso 1600 and even at this level the noise is a problem.
i think im suffering from the same lens problem as yourself, my 90-300mm lens doesnt get the best out what i want. ive also been considering taking the plunge on the L series lens!

I would love to get 200 f2.8l but i think i will wait until next year. Spent far too much on kit this year!
It's always going to be a challenge, Simon, with a slow lens and a body that's not the best at higher Iso settings (compared to today's offerings) unless the weather plays into your hands.

You can, however, gain a fair bit of punch in the post processing of the images....I've just unloaded the last one and tidied it up to improve it (subjective, of course). 300k isn't a lot to work with but the gains outstrip the losses in my opinion. If you PM me your email address, I'll send it back to you...might give you some ideas.

Not bad at all Simon, first one looks a little soft but given your lens you did well

Patrick is right about No5 though, doesnt really show the try being scored

Being scored

Scored but possibly too late

Scored but deffo too late

Guess which one was used in the 2 RL papers and 2 nationals

Can you see where Patricks coming from.
I have been looking at these and trying to think whats missing. It then dawned on me, MUD the players are just to clean. Not your fault but i bet if you go back mid winter when the players are filthy with some steam coming from their mouths due to the cold. The same set of images will look 100% better.
Hi agree with the other comments, also to get in closer to the action try turning your camera "portrait" style rather than landscape it also gets rid of clutter in the background.
Not bad at all Simon, first one looks a little soft but given your lens you did well

Patrick is right about No5 though, doesnt really show the try being scored

Being scored

Scored but possibly too late

Scored but deffo too late

Guess which one was used in the 2 RL papers and 2 nationals

Can you see where Patricks coming from.

Thanks Gary. I was going to go to game this week to try again but have to look after kids. Will definitely try to get better scoring shot. Hopefully will have plenty of opportunities as Sandal are scoring for fun at the moment.

Personally I like all 3 shots you linked to but I think this is because it is Sinfield scoring for Leeds! I'm a black sheep in Wakefield being a big Rhinos fan. On a serious note I can see what you are saying. Thanks for advice

I have been looking at these and trying to think whats missing. It then dawned on me, MUD the players are just to clean. Not your fault but i bet if you go back mid winter when the players are filthy with some steam coming from their mouths due to the cold. The same set of images will look 100% better.

Thanks for your comment. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to get mud with a British winter on the way!

Hi agree with the other comments, also to get in closer to the action try turning your camera "portrait" style rather than landscape it also gets rid of clutter in the background.

Thank. That is a really good tip. I was concentrating so much on getting shutter speed/iso right in iffy light that I forgot about composition.

It's always going to be a challenge, Simon, with a slow lens and a body that's not the best at higher Iso settings (compared to today's offerings) unless the weather plays into your hands.

You can, however, gain a fair bit of punch in the post processing of the images....I've just unloaded the last one and tidied it up to improve it (subjective, of course). 300k isn't a lot to work with but the gains outstrip the losses in my opinion. If you PM me your email address, I'll send it back to you...might give you some ideas.


PM sent. Thanks