first attempt at the moon.

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Inspired by recent moon shots i thought i'de have a go. Don't really have the gear for it, but i'm surprised at how it came out . C+C welcome.

Nikon D90, 70-300 lens. 100% crop i believe.

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Not bad for a first attempt very well done

i am surprised that you can see different colours, ive never noticed this with the naked eye.
Not bad at all for a first go (warn you though it is adictive ;) ), dont know if you have done any PP on it, but may be worth trying to bring the colour out abit more if you havent yet, here is a link to a how to:

Not bad;)this with the naked eye.

cheers people. I guess everyone is their own worst critic, i wasn't expecting the positive comments.

Not bad at all for a first go (warn you though it is adictive ;) ), dont know if you have done any PP on it, but may be worth trying to bring the colour out abit more if you havent yet, here is a link to a how to:


thanks for the comments and link. I'm pretty new to PP and i did have a crack at this shot , but i just seemed to make it worse. Above isn't far off untouched.

cheers, AL
cheers people. I guess everyone is their own worst critic, i wasn't expecting the positive comments.

Not bad at all for a first go (warn you though it is adictive ;) ), dont know if you have done any PP on it, but may be worth trying to bring the colour out abit more if you havent yet, here is a link to a how to:


thanks for the comments and link. I'm pretty new to PP and i did have a crack at this shot , but i just seemed to make it worse. Above isn't far off untouched.

cheers, AL
Excellent shot seventythree, I had a go the other night and it looks amazing until I blew it up, then it would Ouch!.. I really like your shot. Not much to say except what's already been mentioned, maybe try to bring out the colours, but compared to my yours if flawles.. Well done! M
I liked your shot so I tried some yesterday night (3rd) with the bigma and a 1.4x. I noticed your shot has more detail on the left as that's where it has more shadow, mine has more detail on the right as that side has more shadow.

here's a pic

Think I'll try stacking some shots sometime to see the results :cool:
I was trying to shoot the moon the other morning but didnt get anything as good as these 2. any chance of sharing your camera settings. I would love to have another attempt at it to get one like yours.

Al, That's a very good first attempt. You've captured the colours nicely and there's some good details along the line of the terminator. You didn't pick the easiest time to try being only a couple of days before full.

Davie, the extra reach of the Bigma shows...Nicely done
I was trying to shoot the moon the other morning but didnt get anything as good as these 2. any chance of sharing your camera settings. I would love to have another attempt at it to get one like yours.


The exif data should still be on mine. On a tripod I used 'live view' on a laptop, manual focus, f13, 1000th of a sec. for this one.

The moon was really bright and my first attemps produced something that looked more like the sun! I used the fast shutter speed because when at 10x magnification live view for focussing there seemed to be an intermittent haze, someones chimney maybe :shrug: and was basically trusting to luck that I could get a sharp shot. Converted to b&w later.
thanks for the heads up, i shall be out in the garden as soon as we get a nice clear night again

These are absoloutly amazing! i didnt think a 300mm lens would reach the moon lol

There are some remarkable images on this thread, but how do you get so close - does standing on a chair help? Seriously though, are these long exposures?
Love the colour you've got in there redspider (y)

Your one also shows that where the shadow is most you get more detail of the surface. Now if we can get a few clear nights from new moon to full and stitch the shots together....

There are some remarkable images on this thread, but how do you get so close - does standing on a chair help? Seriously though, are these long exposures?

my image is humbled by the others , but also has the shortest focal distance.

other guys are using 1.4x extender thingies , and the bigma is a monster lens. i think i did not too bad considering.

i had my red snapper tripod full extended in my garden. pointing almost straight up it was quite comfortable to stand and look through the viewfinder. This helped immensely with my patients and allowed me to play arround for a fair while. remote shutter release i found essential for limiting camera shake.

the moon is very bright, so low iso and quite a small aperture is required. shutter speed also needs to be quite fast as the moon travels quite fast . it takes a very short time for the moon to move off centre.
I don't think yours is humbled in any way 73, 300mm v 700mm, hmm I think I had the advantage ;) If I set the bigma to 300mm I doubt it would come close to your shot.
Incidently I forgot to mention I had everything on manual and found it easier to underexpose the shot which seemed to give better results.

Definately going to try some more as it's tweaked my interest (y)

That's a great shot - looks natural and some great crater detail on the left hand side (y)
Out of interest what ISO setting did you use (not on the EXIF)
ok so i got up at 7 with a killer hangover and the moon was high in the sky with no clouds around and a pale blue sky. Not wanting to be defeated, i put the kettle on and then got the camera and tri pod out. A strong coffee later i managed to get a couple of shots. Canon 70-300 DO



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Your first shot looks great Stew.
Yep the first one looks great, well worth the early rise.
loving Stew's first one.

Isn't it great to see lots of Moon shots in one thread?

Shouldn't there be a 'post your Moon shots' thread? Would work much better than single ones dotted around?

Mods ??