First attempt at very close up!

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Here's my first attempt at getting a very close up shot of my car. Just want ppl to point out to me what to bear in mind next time for such a shot.

Not so bad for a first attempt Kelly ... (y) ... I should just watch stray reflections ... (including self although you have managed that) ... and distracting backgrounds first off ... :shrug:

You could probably sharpen it and add saturation in processing too ... :D

Keep practising ... ;)

Not a bad effort at all Kelly - Venomator is right - although is that a reflection in the light of you or dirt? Probably clean the car first too and polish it for maximum light.

Has the car been involved in a bump? Lines can be important too (especially with nice solid clean cars) and it look like the boot and back wing is not aligned.
Vinny --- the boot comment, i know thats the worse thing about pic :( no its not been in an accident unless it was in one in Japan before imported her! its just never lined up and it does annoy me. But i would expect all your trained eyes to notice this.
Car was very clean (depsite the fact that its a hard location to get to without getting dirty) i realised its the reflections of the grass etc making the car look dirty.

Venomater - whats best for backgrounds? i took one of the other side of the car but the background was just the tarmac of the road which therefore made this background (abit of scenery) really look alot better.
The comments about processing are going straight over my head :( lol ive only just learned to use the settings hence the close up zoom in and low app in this pic hehe

thankyou for you feedback its much appreciated :)