first attempt - lee

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im new to photography and have been lurking on this forum for a while and i have finally decided to post some of my shots !

this is one of my first attempts at a portrait so i am still getting used to settings, lighting and other important things but it would be great if i could get some feedback and advice on what i am doing wrong or what to change next time.


lee by piano black, on Flickr

jon (y)
A reflector to light up the other side of his face would have made the shot for me personally as I quite like the fact the shadows engulf his lower body, but on his face which is the focal point, I wish the shadows where lifted so I could see the detail in all of his face, not just part of it.
Hiya, I like the pose and the backdrop makes me think of him having to do lines on a blackboard at school lol. The shadows on the side of the face work for me, possibly cos it reflects the black and skin tats (don't know if that was the intention) but it's a little under exposed overall for me possibly.

The main issue I would point out though is that he appears to have something growing out of his head so maybe watch out for background elements of that nature in future. I'm still new myself so feel a bit weird critiquing, but I hope this comes across as constructive :)
Great shot, like the shadows too. As said, perhaps clone out the conker thing on his head.

Other than that, very good :)
thanks for the constructive comments guys !

i didn't even notice the conker thingy ( i think its a rusty bolt in the wall ) above his head ! ha i will defiantly have to take more notice of the background in future .

jon (y)