first attempt with 10stop ND

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i know it's Marmite for some but i do have a thing for minimal...
far to cold and windy in Whitstable today to hang around too long..

thoughts and pointers appreciated
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Awesome image, I really like the minimalist approach especially as it breaks a few rules (image size being one of them)

Would like to see it in b&w

The pixel police will be on their way soon :LOL:

I like it! But what actually IS it?!

Minimal, like it. Looks like some form of marker in the sea, I presume you are standing basically at the shore line for a fairly lengthy time?
thanks for the comments...
30sec exposure on tripod getting my butt wet.....
its a tidal marker just off shore...

But isn't that the whole point of photography - learn the rules, then break them.

I am with you - i love minimalist too.
This ticks all my buttons.

Plant pot on a stick?
I like it.

Like Dimitri's recent shot of Ailsa Craig - the minimal look seems to be order of the day just now.

The more 'minimal' an image is, the more the basic rules of composition seem to scream out. Horizon and red marker could have been a 1/3rd up and a 1/3rd across but that's just one way to look at it.
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The more 'minimal' an image is, the more the basic rules of composition seem to scream out. Horizon and red marker could have been a 1/3rd up and a 1/3rd across but that's just one way to look at it.

that was the first composition i tried but it looked really formal..kinda liked the way the marker jars the clean lines in this crop..
