First Autumn Colours

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Hi Folks,

I've been reading and learning a lot on here over the past few weeks to the point where I got a bit overly conscious of sharing pics myself. However, I'd love to get some feedback/thoughts on the following ones which I thought didn't turn out too bad. The first two where shot at Birkenhead Park: The Willow at the lake is probably my favourite, although I guess I left it a little too late in the morning and the light had gotten too harsh by then. The second one with the tree's reflections in the water is just latently out of focus, but thought it wasn't that detrimental for the "Monet" painting look I was going for. The last pic I took in Wales trying a long exposure.



0210Birkenhead Park-8.jpg0210Birkenhead Park-5.jpg1009Wales.jpg
I do like that last shot. The foreground is perhaps a tad messy, but I like the colour of the stones. Nice bit of movement in the water. But maybe a different crop to bring out the tangle of branches.
I'm no expert so feel a little of a hypocrite in commenting on other peoples Photos, I know what I like and based purely on that ( I never seem to get as many likes on the photos I have made which I think are great and then what I think is a mediocre I get plenty so who am I to say) On the first photo I would have preferred it if there was more detail in the two tree trunks and the fore ground ( maybe mild HDR would have helped here) and I think there is not enough variation in colour on the foliage, with the high contrast as you mentioned this may have been impossible to show ! In the second photo the colours are great and the reflections add to that but I would have liked to have seen more of the trees height thus see more of the colours, but that said I wasn't there and don't know if it was possible to do that ! The last one I think could do with a little more shadow detail as there are areas with little detail. These comments are based on what I like and how I would have attempted to make them look in an Ideal situation, The main thing and I'm taking it that photography is a hobby for you like it is for me is did you enjoy yourself when you were there and do you enjoy looking at the photos you have created ? keep up the good work Fabian !
Hi Fabian, totally get where you're coming from re sharing but its how we all improve at the end of the day. I really like the ethereal/watercolour look all your pictures have.

For the first I'm not sure I'd have taken such a low angle and would perhaps have had the trees more as a direct frame, of course you'd then possibly lose the bottom of the frame but I'm not really sure that's adding anything. Just a shame there wasn't a little more light on the trees, the spots on the right tree are lovely but obviously limited.

For the second you have a bit of a slanted white line along the bottom, perhaps where you straightened the image?

I think all three have issues with underexposed areas, they could all be selectively edited to add more light to the trunks in #1, the branches on the right in #2 and the bushes on #3. However, I would say these are all exposed correctly on the whole so this is more of a processing thing than an issue with the taking. Personally I think the underexposed areas actually work quite well on #3 forcing us to focus on the centre of the image. The greens on the threes are fantastic here to.

Below is a ten second edit of #1 with the trunks lightened a little as an example:

0210Birkenhead Park-8.jpg
Pretty much what Kane has done but a little further. With the original full size image you could most likely bring the shadows up even more in post processing giving more detail in the Shadows/foreground
0210Birkenhead Park-8.jpg
All good photos Fabian.

As above, I'd lift the exposure on the tress just a bit to show some detail in number one. I think they all have a slightly dream like and painterly quality and I do like them all. Well done and don't be afraid to post :D
@woof woof @BADGER.BRAD @kanebaguley @Plain Nev

Wow! Thanks so much for your comments and even taking time to work on my pics. I really appreciate this :)

I do like to play with the light balance in pics a lot, but have to practice a bit more to not overdo as I did in #1. A few YouTube tutorials on Lightroom probably wouldn't go amiss either :) The tricky bit with #1 was that there was a fence and I couldn't get any closer. I'll go back when the weather brightens up and have another go with the 55 - 200mm lens I only had my 50mm with me that day. Given the choice, I probably would have omitted the tree-frame entirely and just have a nice shot of the lake.

Similar situation when taking #2: that was taken from a small bridge and no matter how much I bent, squatted, and stuck my head through the railing I couldn't get the tree tops in. It's also there for another day to try again :D

Thanks again for your input, I'll take your suggestions with me next time I go out shooting.

Have a good weekend all!



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Three very nice Autumn captures Fabian.