Critique First Bug post - Barkfly Identified

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After nearly the whole morning trying to get my eye in on some bugs I finally stumbled onto a little gold mine.

Taken mostly with Yongnuo ring flash both mounted and unmounted from camera.

Sorry I don't know the names of these bugs/spider so if you do please let me know.

Orientation looks a little weird on these but it was on a vertical wall. Also until I took the shot I didn't even notice the tiny shell that appears in these

Curl Up
by bthomas124, on Flickr

I'm a wiggle worm
by bthomas124, on Flickr

Spider stayed dead still which was nice!

Mr Spider
by bthomas124, on Flickr

Suspected Wood Louse

Wood louse
by bthomas124, on Flickr

This little fella was not easy to follow very small around 3mm I reckon and very well camouflaged not sure what it is again but loved its eye.

by bthomas124, on Flickr

C&C welcome and please provide any suggestions/improvements as I'm only a beginner at Macro and I need to move it on.
Brilliant work Bryn. These are very impressive for your first bug shots.

What you've found are the black snake millipede (Tachypodoiulus niger), the spider could be a lace webbed spider (Amaurobius sp.) but I'm not sure, the woodlouse is the Common Rough variety (Porcellio scaber) and the final bug is a barkfly nymph (of the order Psocoptera), although I have no idea of the species.

That barkfly is a stunner! I haven't encountered such an exotic looking specimen before. Brilliant stuff!
Thanks everyone. Barkfly was found under some round paving slabs we have spare.

Great find, lighting is a tad harsh, but what the he'll is that last bug, it looks awesome!!!!

Is this on all the photos? am looking into diffusion methods for the ring flash. Looking forward to seeing your lighting setup.
Great set especially like the barkfly
Well found I've not found anything outside yet
Not experienced with flash so can't advise but only the millipede looks a bit harsh lighting the rest look good to me:)
Good find Bryn that link will come in handy! Going to have to review all my previous barkfly shot now lol!
No problems, quite a lot of fun to try find out what these bugs are especially ones ive never seen before. I stumbled onto that site so was a chance find.