First ever baby shoot, where did I go wrong?

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This morning I visited some friends and their 13 day old little one, after reading your advice I did not get a single shot that I wanted and felt that I was well out of my depth.

Below are a couple I'm semi happy with so would love some proper feedback, if any of you see any shots that you feel could be improved by alternative PP please feel free as I would love to see them.

Excuse the borders but posted on another forum and easier to just u/l the one set!

The floor is open :)





I actually quite prefer the crop, unsure why though :/ think it just tidies it up a bit :thinking:. Number 3 is a bit of a gem to me, tells a story in my mind, and number 5 is just perhaps a little too dark. Id offer advice but have none to give!

Im off to photograph my niece who was born today, but theres not going to be any good ones!! :bang: Any advice? ;)
I actually quite prefer the crop, unsure why though :/ think it just tidies it up a bit :thinking:. Number 3 is a bit of a gem to me, tells a story in my mind, and number 5 is just perhaps a little too dark. Id offer advice but have none to give!

Im off to photograph my niece who was born today, but theres not going to be any good ones!! :bang: Any advice? ;)

Thanks for the feedback and will try lightening No. 5 :)

Tips, erm, loads of shots to get a couple, faster shuuter speed than I thought as she never stopped moving, forget the flash lol!

Biggest tip, enjoy, the first day with a new one is magical. I didn't play or try to set the shots up just let her get on with doing what she wanted to do (luckily she was rather docile today) and moved the camera around her. There were a few nearlys where I wish I had got further down to her level but shoot away and see what comes up. I left thinking I wouldn't have a single shot I liked. The trouble for me is that never having shot a baby or having any of my own I don't know what a parent would look for in a photo or what would come accross as a good shot!
Get the baby near a large window/door, facing toward it. the more light the better. if there is a lot of sun coming through use a thin sheet to diffuse the light.
I take it it's harder than it looks, I'm really interested, as we've got our first baby due... She's seven days over so anytime now... This being the reason I've been out and bought my first Dslr.... Did you take any extra kit with you.... Having joining this forum and trawling the net for advice and guides I've started to building up some kit.

So far I've got a 50mm 1.8 lens, reflector,off camera flash with wireless triggers and a shoot through brolly... Having practiced on a teddy (don't laugh) I must say I'm pants... It was dark outside and no natural light.... Thinking of getting a soft box for my Speedlite..... But to be honest I'll have all the gear and no idea... Good thing is I'll have loads of opportunities to practice :)
The trouble for me is they all look a bit bleak/moody/miserable - I know babies don't just smile on demand but I think it's partly just that they are all a little gloomy, especially no 4. Colours are very muted/flat as well.
I take it it's harder than it looks, I'm really interested, as we've got our first baby due... She's seven days over so anytime now... This being the reason I've been out and bought my first Dslr.... Did you take any extra kit with you.... Having joining this forum and trawling the net for advice and guides I've started to building up some kit.

So far I've got a 50mm 1.8 lens, reflector,off camera flash with wireless triggers and a shoot through brolly... Having practiced on a teddy (don't laugh) I must say I'm pants... It was dark outside and no natural light.... Thinking of getting a soft box for my Speedlite..... But to be honest I'll have all the gear and no idea... Good thing is I'll have loads of opportunities to practice :)

I took all of my kit with me as was not sure what would be needed but ended up using purely the 7D and 50mm 1.8, the flash really wasn't used. Good luck with your little one and look forward to seeing your shots. I guess it's easier when you have your own or know what you want, as I don't have kids or know what parents find attractive in terms of a photo it's difficult to know whats good or not.

The trouble for me is they all look a bit bleak/moody/miserable - I know babies don't just smile on demand but I think it's partly just that they are all a little gloomy, especially no 4. Colours are very muted/flat as well.

Thanks form the feedback grum, as siad it's difficult with a baby of such a young age as you can't control what they are going to do next...
Get the baby near a large window/door, facing toward it. the more light the better. if there is a lot of sun coming through use a thin sheet to diffuse the light.

the sheet idea is great! I'll definitely be using that...
I like the photos, but they look as though the focus is a little off on the eyes. That maybe just how they have been resized and such like.
The foot one is a bit dark, but probably because it was shot at f8, Could have dropped that down a load and introduced plenty of light without losing any DOF on the shot you wanted. I really like the shots you have taken, just need to work on pinning focus and exposure down and you are laughing.
What's nice about your photos is that there is a style you have expressed. People can like it or lump it, but if its where you wanted to be with the photos you took, its all good.
I love number 4 by the way
TheCrewDesigns said:
Yeah much better but maybe a little lighter like this

Of course this is just my opinion, no doubt someone will pop on and say something different

Thanks for taking the time to play, like it :)
The trouble for me is they all look a bit bleak/moody/miserable - I know babies don't just smile on demand but I think it's partly just that they are all a little gloomy, especially no 4. Colours are very muted/flat as well.

All the things I like about them. Natural, unpretentious.
My glass is half full :)

For now...
Leaving the processing aside, scrolling through the images, the first thing that hit me was the DOF, it just doesn't feel right, it's far too narrow for the subject, apart from No4 which is better, but the light is all over the place.

Even shooting with a 85 F1.2 I would rarely shoot at F1.8 on such a small subject, particularly being so close..

Saying that, I do like the compositions, they are creative and appealing..
I would definitely go back, similar set-up, but consider using a wider aperture, and get some even light.
I'd say it's the light which is the problem, not enough of it. Also, watch your shutter speed and focal length, there's a few where the shutter speed is a little low (although they still seem sharp enough - steady hand there!)

Don't worry about smiles, babies don't really smile in reaction to their environment until about a month onwards so sleepy shots are better. At 13 days they are either eating, farting, crying or sleeping so it's a no brainer which one to choose! lol
Like somebody else said, get near a window or room with lots of nice light. I shoot all natural light with babies and although I have a 50 1.4 I rarely use it wide open and actually use my 24-70 pretty much all the time (usually at 2.8 but will change depending on shot)- if I need more light I just bump the ISO up - also make sure you keep an eye on shutter speed so it doesnt drop too low.