First Ever Moon Shot (Handheld)

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Thought I'd put my first attempt at a moon shot for ridicule. Shots were taken hand held, so probably not the best. But things can only get better, right?

C&C Welcome as always

No ridicule, :) thats a good shot needs a little sharpening and contrast raising. And slight exposure increase. But by no means far off.

Photo is a little soft as you already know.:eek: For handheld you need to use speed equal to lens focal length and if your not steady handed like im not then a stop faster than that. Get it on a tripod and turn of IS/VC/VR etc and mirror lock up.

Can you share settings and lens so we can give some advice?
Camera is a Sony A77 with a Minolta 70-300 Lens. IIRC the length would have been somewhere around 400 due to the lens being from a 35mm? Does that make sense or have I been fed a crock of poop?

ISO 800
f 5.6
Exposure 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/3200

I was messing about with HDR too which is maybe why the image is a little soft as aligning the 3 images may have been a struggle since they were handheld.