First Fly of 2016

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That's a beauty especially no2 (y)
Nice set of images Carl, with some fine detail.(y)

Wish I could get the eyes in focus like these fly shots, very nice shots Carl (y)
says sigma 105 1:2:.8 DG Macro HSM on the barrel (think it has stability jobba on it as theres OS 0,1 and 2 on there (its on 1) plus the raynox 250

Thanks for the info, very much appreciated. Do you mind showing a photo of your whole setup with the pringles tube?

Do you use some kind of defuser as well?
That is pretty amazing man! Thank you so much! What kind of fabric or material works best far the defuser?
Thank you Carl for sharing this set and your methodology, I have learned much on this visit from some of the best macro work I have ever seen. Do you think a ring flash would lite the subject as well as your clever rig?
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That is pretty amazing man! Thank you so much! What kind of fabric or material works best far the defuser?
Anything from toilet paper (yes, I am serious - it makes a great diffuser, plus you can throw it away and use as much as you want) to real softbox-material, packaging material - its like a thin plastic material that suppliers wrap stuff up in when posting to you - the same white stuff that they cover brand new TV's with). Experiment is the key, whatever works best for you.

Thank you Carl for sharing this set and your methodology, I have learned much on this visit from some of the best macro work I have ever seen. Do you think a ring flash would lite the subject as well as your clever rig?
Thats very kind of you to say Richard, but I am by far not the best at macro - there are a TON of guys and girls on TP that do much better macro than me and are far more dedicated to their art - I do however, like to keep things as simple as I can. If it were not for the other TP users in the macro section I would not have done very well at all, my first macro's were awfully bad - you'll pick up a lot from the guys and girls here, they're a bunch of stars (y)
Thanks so much for all the info Carl. I am definitely gonna try this on something.. :exit:
Anything from toilet paper (yes, I am serious - it makes a great diffuser, plus you can throw it away and use as much as you want) to real softbox-material, packaging material - its like a thin plastic material that suppliers wrap stuff up in when posting to you - the same white stuff that they cover brand new TV's with). Experiment is the key, whatever works best for you.

Thats very kind of you to say Richard, but I am by far not the best at macro - there are a TON of guys and girls on TP that do much better macro than me and are far more dedicated to their art - I do however, like to keep things as simple as I can. If it were not for the other TP users in the macro section I would not have done very well at all, my first macro's were awfully bad - you'll pick up a lot from the guys and girls here, they're a bunch of stars (y)

Thanks for the redirection, but please, take more credit for your exceptional work.:clap:
These are excellent. We've just polished of a tube of Pringles tonight so I might give the flash diffuser a go. Are the tubes just "as they come" or have you lined them with something reflective? Also (sorry for more questions), how do you have your flash set up - manual or TTL?


No problem about questions - thats what the forum is about :)

No TTL, just a cheap Neweer flash gun. I do have a TTL yongnuo but I dont want to drop that and I have already dropped one neweer but they're so cheap, I dont get too upset about it, manual power, 1/8 power (I think, might have been 1/16th) - pringles tube already have a reflective coating inside (y). Use two pringles tubes, then cut them at an angle, slip them together, tape it all up. F11, 125th of a sec.

If I am lucky and the insect doesnt move while I fire off 2 or 3 shots, I will continue to focus for the eye (manual focus, leaning forward and backward and controlling my breathing as much as possible) fire off as many as I can (but usually not more than 10) and if I am very lucky, I can stack them in photoshop to get a much deeper DOF) number 2 and 3 above are made up of 2 to 3 shots per image hence the whole body (or most of it is), in focus. 1st shot is single shot (as you can tell by the DOF).

The pringles tube is not my idea - another user on TP showed me how to do that - sorry I cant remember the user's name to credit him for it (but I certainly have a BIG thanks to him for it).
Fab Carl really really impressed with how close you get with a macro lens. Light looks great too.

Thanks all. Weather needs perking up though, not much to get for me at the moment, though with the rain I am hoping we'll get a blazing hot summer and it will be bug heaven :)


I need to buy some duct tape to make it a bit more robust, and while the jerry-rigged diffuser (a piece of a plastic milk carton) works ok, I'll probably try to find something better (I might have something better in the garage somewhere). I gave it a go last night, but there weren't many suitable subjects in the garden. I got this shot of a spider and its dinner, but it was awkwardly located and pretty small, so it's not the best of shots. It's been flipped vertically as I think it looks better (and more menacing!) that way. :) At least the tube and diffuser seem to work ok though - lighting the subject evenly without casting harsh shadows.

Lovely work Carl, number 3 floats my boat especially.

You really are getting an amazing return on investment with that Pringles tube ;p
Great shots Carl.
Really nice light on these and excellent details
Excellent set
You should get nice ones of the bees with that set up its working really well
Great shots Carl, no 2 is my fave and I can't believe the detail in them. I'm only just getting into photography and never really considered macro work until I saw these. Great stuff!
I actually agree with Bryn, got to be a first ;) !!! No1 is brilliant Carl, detail is superb and that angle is different from the norm and works a treat!