first go at light trails

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will be looking into more in interesting site for motorway shots on Merseyside so if any one knows any give us a shout please

enjoyed doing them
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To the light trails I actually really like the first one, it has issues but I rather like the single lorry going away and the motion blur of the lorry at the end, that's really effective :clap: but I suspect that you've done these wide open, which will cause you to blow your headlights and loose any definition, it also narrows your DoF.

The second one I'm guessing was also done wide open but as there are no headlights that's not so much of an issue, I looks to need some CCW rotation.

In relation to light trails I would suggest giving my guide a read, it's linked in my signature, I'm happy to help with anything light trail related, also in that guide there is a link to the light trails map that I'm a moderator on there maybe some locations on there for you to try out (y)

The third is a little bit too over exposed, again I suspect shooting wide open is where your falling down :shrug: I like the last one, it looks a little over exposed but better than the third again it needs levelling it is in need of a small amount of CCW rotation to my eye

Decent first attempts Ian.

Try to consider your white balance settings for any future attempts mate. You'll find the sodium lights of the city to be very yellow. This is where I'd use a tungsten WB to bring more blue back in.

With regards to the wheel. It's a great subject to photograph however try to avoid almost centralising it or consider a more unusual angle such as one like I did linked below. Alternatively, you could go central if you can get it reflected.

That said, I do like the unusual warmth in colour to your shot of the wheel.
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Thank u both for your coments as with most photography lots to learn and I will take your suggestions on board and hopefully improve