First go at macro, be gentle

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Whilst out on a fly fishing trip there was a lot of dragonflies hatching and mating, I thought it rude not to grab the camera and have a go.

Forgive the noise, they were taken hand held with high ISO




Not sure your focus is spot on in any of them. Also seem a tad over exposed to me. You either need a narrower aperture to give a greater depth of field or the focus needs to be spot on to get away with a narrow DOF.
I like no. 3 the best where he/she is wiping the eye, but I agree with Mike that the focus isn't absolutely spot on, it will come with practice so keep at it (y)
Damsell flies, I think, not dragonflies. ;)

yep...realised after I had posted it.....forgot dragonflies dont fold their wings (y)(y)

cheers for all the other comments, I'm not making excuses for the shot but it was taken hand held with a Sigma 70-200 with 1:3 macro, so the focus isnt going to be spot on, but appreciate all the comments
