Critique First go at nightime city landscapes

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Due to the laser show going on at Salford, a mate of mine was really keen to shoot and and I, for some reason, was less enthusiastic about walking round Salford with £6K on my back and also, I have never tried to shoot a nightime cityscape with a ton of horrible lights to screw with my white banlance. LOL

However, when it went dark I saw the attraction and started to enjoy it. These are a couple of the results, and id really appreciate some feedback. Ive made the sky as dark as I can where other choose to leave it a blue colour, but to me that looks kind of wrong... but thats me.

Over to you guys.
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Sorry to be OT, but is this like this all the time @ Media City?
Sorry to be OT, but is this like this all the time @ Media City?

First time I have ever been mate so couldn't say. I was shocked how good it looked I must admit, and Im reasonably sure the only new thing this week is that laser show.
Thanks looks like it's in for a couple more nights. Great pics thanks for sharing and inspiring.

Did you just Park in the multistorey?
All looks good to me. I'd try to take the shots while there's still a wee bit of light left in the sky though.. around 90 mins after sunset works for me..but can vary depending on how bright the artificial lighting is... sometimes sooner works better. I prefer the one with colour in the sky... number 4.. the one of the bridge. It gives shape to the buildings better, and avoids the heavy, empty spaces.
Thanks looks like it's in for a couple more nights. Great pics thanks for sharing and inspiring.

Did you just Park in the multistorey?

Yes mate, an NCP, then head up to the top of it for that high shot.
Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciate it.

Dave, there was light in the sky on all these, I've pulled the blacks down to get rid of it. Don't know why, I just have this mental block about coloured sky's at night. It's a personal failing that one... I will pop the set up with more sky colouring and see what the masses think of my meddling. Lol
Thanks for sharing these, they are really good. No 3 is my personal favourite. If I can offer one peice of constructive feedback and that would be to photograph it between 18.40 and 19.50 (current GMT) before the sky deepens into inky blackness. That's just my personal preference, of course all photography is subjective but don't let that detract you from a great set of images :clap:

I'm taking my GF to see the old 'Coronation Street' & Granada studios. I know, purgatory ! we are staying around there somewhere, so hopefully i will be able to escape and give this a go !
Stu, don't worry about the 6k of camera gear in Salford, I'm Salford born and bread it's not as bad as people think it is :) and Media city is as safe as houses.
For those who are saying get there when there is more light, unfortunately the lasers don't show in the sky until it's dark.
The lasers are only on for this week it commemorates Alan Turing. All the other lights are all year round.
Nice set by the way
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Thanks guys, really appreciate you all taking time out to give me feedback and help me improve. :)

Some versions with a slightly brighter sky and light pollution.
View attachment 8378 View attachment 8380 (I would do some more local processing If I like them, just throwing a quick version out there)
The edits are much better IMO.

I am guessing it was a global adjustment as there is much more detail generally.
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Stu that second edited high shot is a cracking image mate, really like it. Wish there were a few more interesting illuminated places down this way, always fancied a go at night city landscapes and will definitely be out scouting after seeing this set!
Great images Stu. Both light and dark work equally well imo. The lighter ones make it look like Dubai or somewhere similar for some reason!!
Thanks guys.
I think this is the kind of image where monitor calibration will make or break the darker versions.
Stu that second edited high shot is a cracking image mate, really like it. Wish there were a few more interesting illuminated places down this way, always fancied a go at night city landscapes and will definitely be out scouting after seeing this set!
Yes, I agree. Very, very, nice.