First go at portrait with OCF and a bucket load of PP

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Hi all. I would expect this to be a love or hate kind of thing, but I've just discovered the work of David Hill and tried to give the same sort of vibe with this portrait (it doesn't have any of the composite thing going on like of his work seems to though). I've just picked up an old SB-28 and had it balanced on top of a door bouncing off the ceiling camera left pretty much straight on in front of the subject triggered with a Youngnuo RF603. It was a new (to me) Nikon 70-300 lens I picked up off a mate for £30 so was an interesting change for me only having used the 35mm prime before.

Would love to hear what people think. I think I should have been a bit more careful with the masking layer in photoshop above the lip and I should have done something with the purpley patch on the nose, but I think it gives the feel I was going for.

01.05.12_20.34.48-Edit.jpg by leetalb, on Flickr

Very striking stuff:
I didnt really know what to say about this other than it looks very cartoon like and not really my kinda thing. I had never heard of David Hill but after visiting the website you linked in its easy to see that the cartoon look was what you were going for.
Editing images is a peronal thing and this really isnt my thing however the look you were going for, in my opinion you hit the nail on the head there.
I hope refering to it as a cartoon look is ok as i dont mean to offend, i just dont know what else to call it.
Thanks Tracey! :) I think that's absolutely fair to say John, no offense taken at all. I'm not sure if cartoony is how I would have chosen to describe it, but I can't think of any way that's any more apt really. I'm still relatively new to photography and every time I come across something or somebody new I feel like I need to try it out to learn a little bit more. This is the next thing on my list:

A bit more "real" looking but still really interesting end product.