First HDR Attempt

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First attempt at an HDR. Taken whilst just having a wonder around the local water park. Let me know what you think and how to improve. Im off to New York at the end of the month so want to try and get a bit of practice in before then.

Chorlton Water Park by darrenlewis1984, on Flickr
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Very nice shot - you can use the Flickr bb code to link a smaller pic directly to your post.

Only critism (sp?) is that there is a slight haloing effect. I think its the radius or power of the sharpness that causes it. But it soft enough that unless you are looking for it you might not see it.

You have a nice fore front focus and nice detailing in the skys :)

Great pic!
Very nice shot - you can use the Flickr bb code to link a smaller pic directly to your post.

Only critism (sp?) is that there is a slight haloing effect. I think its the radius or power of the sharpness that causes it. But it soft enough that unless you are looking for it you might not see it.

You have a nice fore front focus and nice detailing in the skys :)

Great pic!

Thanks for the tip about the bb code! (y)

And thanks for the crit. aswell. Do you think the halo could be from the fact that it was taken hand held aswell would it definately be the sharpening?
I prefer the 2nd one as you can see more of the seat. Both very nice shots in terms or HDR. Some people may say it's been over HRD'd but it's down to personal choice what you like.

Thanks for the tip about the bb code! (y)

And thanks for the crit. aswell. Do you think the halo could be from the fact that it was taken hand held aswell would it definately be the sharpening?
Usually its the processing... Run it through as you have done, zoom in closer to the high contrast areas (edges of trees etc).

Then change the settings on the radius and strength/power and see - it loses some of the punch but the halos should reduce.

Worth a play - but as has been posted - its more of whether you like it :)
Darren, doing a fair bit of HDR myself in the past I generally don't think you need to use it with out door locations like these you've shown, you should have no problem in recording all the detail from the bench to the grass and the bushes, all that's happened here is you've made the colours look unnatural.
That said there is a place for HDR is areas / location where the contrast is in extremes, like building interiors etc and your going to a city that will benefit both normal single shot photography and HDR. hope I've not been to negative but HDR is not a one fix all tool in the camera box.

Enjoy New York

Darren, doing a fair bit of HDR myself in the past I generally don't think you need to use it with out door locations like these you've shown, you should have no problem in recording all the detail from the bench to the grass and the bushes, all that's happened here is you've made the colours look unnatural.
That said there is a place for HDR is areas / location where the contrast is in extremes, like building interiors etc and your going to a city that will benefit both normal single shot photography and HDR. hope I've not been to negative but HDR is not a one fix all tool in the camera box.

Enjoy New York


Cheers Les

Just trying HDR anywhere and everywhere I can at gthe min, trying to get the technique right for when I do got to New York. Got a few HDRs of my bedroom, but the state that its in, I dont think I'll be posting those ones :D
Definately prefer the second from a composition point of view.

I quite like the 'artistic' effect HDR give you here. Good shot.
Maybe someone can help me on this.
Firstly excellent shots. Love them both but the 2nd one nails it for me.

Ok on to my question, I hope someone can help me a little. I have taken loads of bracketed exposures in all sorts of different settings, all with varying contrasts but when I put them in to Photomatix and do anything, they either looked totally overdone or so underdone, they look no different to the standard exposed one. No matter what I do I can not get any of my pics to have that crisp clean HDR effect like the ones above.
Could this be something I am doing wrong or is it total lack of skill with photomatix.
After all PM is just sliders etc.
Is it that half the skill is what you do in photoshop afterwards????

Maybe you can talk us through your steps to achieve these photos, so idiots like me can move forward. LOL
The choice is yours Darren but if it was me I would be testing in conditions where I was going to get the best results, equally you then perfect your skill with HDR better and quicker.
What's the point of HDR,ing the sky there is no detail in the sky worth bringing out, that's not a digg at you but a general observation of lanscape HDR. Go to a local church the interior will process you a lot quicker as I have said above, horses for courses
Maybe someone can help me on this.
Firstly excellent shots. Love them both but the 2nd one nails it for me.

Ok on to my question, I hope someone can help me a little. I have taken loads of bracketed exposures in all sorts of different settings, all with varying contrasts but when I put them in to Photomatix and do anything, they either looked totally overdone or so underdone, they look no different to the standard exposed one. No matter what I do I can not get any of my pics to have that crisp clean HDR effect like the ones above.
Could this be something I am doing wrong or is it total lack of skill with photomatix.
After all PM is just sliders etc.
Is it that half the skill is what you do in photoshop afterwards????

Maybe you can talk us through your steps to achieve these photos, so idiots like me can move forward. LOL

Darren No2 there are plenty of internet information about the subject, try "Pete Carr" or "Stuck In Customs" a guy called Troy
Thanks Les, I will give them a shot. I have briefly tried the Stuck in Customs stuff before but I found that it didn't give me the same effect as his stuff but then again, that was a while ago.
I am thinking it's maybe down to the shots I am taking in the first place, as you have suggested above for Darren no.1 :)