Critique first night

Might help if it was straight. Needs a ccw rotation.
hi didn't think about that, just set the camera on top of a pipe and pushed the button didn't have the tripod with me, must put it in the car. thanks for the replies
As others have said... it's crooked.

That huge patch of concrete bottom right is a real distraction and utterly dominates the image... compose carefully. It may not have been that bright when you viewed it, but the camera can only either expose for the darker parts of the image, or teh lighter, and with contrast like this... never both, so that ground area bottom right has become very bright.

The bright light just out of frame to the right is flaring in too... did you use a lens hood? If so.. then just moving a bit to the left may have cured that.

Overall though... it just lacks interest. You were clearly thinking about making a night exposure, and not a photograph. Choose subjects as carefully as you would during the day. Ask yourself if this was taken during the day, would it be a great image. If the answer is no, then it probably won't really be any better at night.. it will just be the same scene at night :)

You really, really need a tripod if you are planning any more of this stuff.