First pics with an Olympus OM10

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Last week on a stroll around a boot sale, I came across a fella selling some old film cameras. I managed to pick up the OM10 with an Olympus 28mm on the front for £15, as well as a Canon AV1 camera body alone for a tenner. The OM10 was my first ever proper camera so I was well chuffed to reacquire that. The batteries had gone and the mirror was half up and the lens had a slow aperture and had been wolloped but pulled out on the filter threads. It doesn't accept filters now but for the price I didn't care. A quick removed of the lens back plate to access the aperture couplings abd a quick wipe over with some neat alcohol fixed the aperture and made it snappy again. New batteries in the camera returned the mirror down. After cleaning all the smeg out of the light seals, I loaded a roll of Kentmere 100 in it and popped down to Cardiff Bay to ruthlessly go through 36 images to test the camera, and the light seals.

Here are a few images, all home processed in LC29:

OM10 w/ Pan 100 by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

OM10 w/ Pan 100 by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

OM10 w/ Pan 100 by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

OM10 w/ Pan 100 by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

OM10 w/ Pan 100 by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

All in all I'm pretty happy with it! I'll order some generic light seals and replace them and keep it. The Canon I'm keen to test also, just need to get a lens to go on the front of it!