first picture with new slr, flowers.

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hi, just trying my new nikon d3100 slr out, sorry if it isnt great as im only a beginner, please give me any criticism thanks.

No picture because you need to copy just the image url. I seem to do this a different way to everyone but basically right click on your photo and view in medium 640 or large and then when thats loaded right click on the photo and click copy image url. Then click paste in url (ctrl + v) and when thats loaded copy the url at the top and paste it in here using the little postcard/stamp icon above.

And then bobs your uncle, done this for you but just ask if you have any problems :)

As for critique on the photo then i would say well done on blurring the background but try not to place the subject bang in the middle of the photo and try to apply the guide of the 'rule' of thirds. To be honest don't know much about taking pictures and have only taken a couple myself but if you can always try to use a tripod and manual focus on the flower as in my opinion the bit in the middle of the flower isn't quite in focus and hence not sharp enough. Anyway hope some of that helps and hopefully someone who knows a lot more about taking shots of flowers will give some better C+C.

Oh just remember something else with flowers, try taking it from a different point of view. What i mean is that you often see the flower looking down on top of it like this photo, try taking it from a view different (such as side on) that eyes don't see everyday. Almost all the best flower shots are taken from interesting viewpoints not just face on with the flower. Hope that makes sense :)
If that's your first effort with a dslr i think it's great :)
pwynn-mackenzie's spot on with what they say, however you've got great depth of field and pretty good sharpness, nice place to start :)
Thank you very much for your kind comments,i have listened to what you have said and will learn from it :)