First post in Landscapes

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Well this is my first post in Landscapes as i have spent several years photographing nothing else really other than motorsport.

Had a bit of a kick up the bum this year after loosing my Dad which made me re-evaluate all my weekends away at race tracks and realise that i should really be spending time away with my wife and boys instead.

Have just returned from a week away at Camber Sands and couldnt resist paying a visit to the old boats on Dungeness beach.

Now i know these have been done to death but thought it may be a good starting point for me to try and change a direction with photography and life.



First off, probably one of the most important decisions of your life. Once these days are gone you can't get them back.
They look pretty good. Well composed, good lighting, interesting.
The best, I think, is no 2. The clouds conspired to be in just the right place.
Fantastic place, Dungeness.
You've made a really nice job of these....I'd be very pleased to have taken them.

Sorry about your dad....but I admire your change of outlook, and it seems you've found a new genre.
Very nice Glen. All well composed and nice processing.
Well done mate.
Glen those are real nice especially #2
Second one is great with the clouds lined up with the boat. The colours (especially the sky) are all lovely.
I agree with the others number 2 is especially good, perfect position/timing with storm clouds directly above the boat and the light breaking through.
"Excellent" set of images Glen, not much more I can say. Keep up the good work.(y)


Many thanks everyone for the kind comments and also thank you for the support over my change in attitude after the loss of my Dad.

Shame that it took such an event for me to realise how selfish i was being in all honesty.

Will make sure i try and capture more while spending time with my family in the future.

Graham my friend,i hope your well and i must get out at some point for a meet up now i am no longer attending BSB,would be good to have a chat my friend as so much has happened this year.
Dont have many more bud as most others are more holiday snaps in all honesty but im sure i will make more of an effort on future family outings.
Having ago at landscapes for the first time with a digital camera this weekend myself, if they are half as good as yours I will be very happy.

Sorry about your dad my son died two years ago ( mother last year) it makes you think what really matters in life .
Excellent set. I think anyone would be proud of these, and to think it's your first landscape set
Really nice set of images, you must be proud, especially for your first attempt, hopefully this is one of many landscape visits with the family in toe :)

I really need to get off my bum and visit Dungeness, it is only an hour or so away from me.
First class for first time at landscapes , you should be well chuffed with these , great colour and detail , especially in the foreground , love them all (y)
Cracking set of images... sorry to hear about your loss, he would have been very proud of you producing images like that...I look forward to seeing more of them....

Very nice work Glen, Done to death or not, who cares, some would call them cliché shots:rolleyes: OMG I hate that word, They are your shots and its your take on them. TBH every popular location is forever changing so each photograph is unique. I never stop enjoying looking at others work. Guess this is a bit of a change from your usual subject, a bit more static;). But Landscape photography presents its own challenges as you know:D.
I must say you have done a lovely job! and another vote here for number 2. That's spellbinding dramatic clouds, a great front coming in, fantastic light and lovely colours. I really like that ray of sun breaking through the cloud dead centre in front of the bow of the boat. Love the way that cloud is rolling up the bow too. Nice golden light on the horizon, nicely processed(y).
No1 and 3 are very nice too but No2 eclipses them slightly.

Don't be too hard on yourself Glen. I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad its always a big shock. I hope you get too the place you want to be with your Life and Photography. I look back struggling to think of the times I had with my two boys, was caught up in the Rat Race and worked all hours god sent when they were young. Sometime I ask the wife did we have a great time with the boys as they grew up?? Now I don't know if that's just my failing memory or whether I was so tied up with work. Its worried me ever since:(
So albeit a horrible way to have a rethink about your direction, maybe its a god send and some sort of milestone at a crossroad in your life. Sometimes its something of this magnitude that puts it all into perspective.

That's all a bit heavy:eek:
For one I really enjoyed your photos, and looking forward to seeing more.... Look after yourself(y)