First shots with 70-200 f4L is

#4 for me, i think the colours and composition are great, closely followed by #5, who can resist such a beautiful lady, great set and its looks like well be seeing many more great images from you and the lens
#4 and #6 for me. I love everything about 4 (although I might have cloned out the mic stand), and you've done a great job of keeping distractions out of 6 as much as possible! :)
4 and 6 are my favorites also. But 1 I like almost as much for its composition. Were they all shot wide open at f4 ?. Just picked up a 70-200 2.8 second hand from Fixation myself so cannot wait to get out and give it a go.
I actually kind of like the first one more than the rest. It seems more personal. I like how there is one woman leading the way with the rest following and she looks so confident. When viewed out of context you kind of wonder what is going on and who they are.

The lens looks like it produces some crisp images. Are you happy with it?
Thanks for the comments folks. Feedback is what we want on here. The girls are from a Flamenco group called Ballet entredanzas. I love flamenco, so to see them twice in two days was great. I will post a set when I get round to pp. This is the sort of thing I got the 70-200 for, the 24-70 is too short, and the 300, being a prime, can be a bit inflexible at times. First impressions of the lens are positive, sharp, amazingly compact and light, good bokeh and a 4 stop is thrown in for good measure.
Excellent set, 2&5 are my pick of a good bunch.