First time on the other side

Matt Hill
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While I've been photographing motorsport for a good number of years now, this will be the first time that I've been on the other side with a media pass (British GT @ Rockingham). While my assignment doesn't ask for any specific shots other than trying to capture the atmosphere/action of the day any helpful hints and tips would be welcome. :)
Try to include some wider shots to get something which says "Rockingham" - a sign (there are a few), the grandstands.... maybe something with "crowd" (at GT lol!!)...

Basically, don't just shoot tight car shots would be my suggestion.

Don't be fooled by what we and other media togs post on here, the published shots are usually quite different!
Loads of good corners at Rockingham - get there early and have a look round as the obvious ones are not always the best. If you need any help, let me know, I will be there all weekend.
Pack oxygen to reach the Media centre. It's a bit of a climb.

Its a love hate circuit for me. Some superb angles as Mike says, but also a real lack of access on some other parts of the circuit.

I always found (and still do) the least stressful way of working an event is to have a plan. Know a few shots you wish to achieve (If it is a new circuit, take a look at other photographers sites to see good shots and then work out where they were taken from) Then plan how you will attack the event. Where you will start the race (do you need a start shot) where you need to get to, to get your other shots and how long that leaves you before ending up (ideally) near the Finish and Podium. Remember to consider where the sun will be during the race.

If you keep to your plan you will find you get what you 'need' and have time to mess around with more creative shots for your portfolio, which when you are in the fortunate position of just shooting an event in general - you have a lot of scope to think outside the box.

I hope all that didn't sound too w***y. Enjoy it and stay safe.
Tip 1: take deposit for bib or you'll go without lunch. Note: media centre doesn't accept a packed lunch as a deposit.

hehe, cheers Andrew :) Sarah did remind me to bring my deposit or go hungry.

Loads of good corners at Rockingham - get there early and have a look round as the obvious ones are not always the best. If you need any help, let me know, I will be there all weekend.

Thanks Mike :) I'll be the drowned rat in the blue skijacket from the looks of the weather.

Pack oxygen to reach the Media centre. It's a bit of a climb.

Its a love hate circuit for me. Some superb angles as Mike says, but also a real lack of access on some other parts of the circuit.

I always found (and still do) the least stressful way of working an event is to have a plan. Know a few shots you wish to achieve (If it is a new circuit, take a look at other photographers sites to see good shots and then work out where they were taken from) Then plan how you will attack the event. Where you will start the race (do you need a start shot) where you need to get to, to get your other shots and how long that leaves you before ending up (ideally) near the Finish and Podium. Remember to consider where the sun will be during the race.

If you keep to your plan you will find you get what you 'need' and have time to mess around with more creative shots for your portfolio, which when you are in the fortunate position of just shooting an event in general - you have a lot of scope to think outside the box.

I hope all that didn't sound too w***y. Enjoy it and stay safe.

Thanks dunganick, great info :)

whats peoples opion on racksack/no rucksack? are they allowed? I find mine can be a bit cumbersome but obviously useful to have things with you.
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whats peoples opion on racksack/no rucksack? are they allowed? I find mine can be a bit cumbersome but obviously useful to have things with you.

All photography rucksacks I have tried are rubbish bits of load bearing kit.

Also, having the thing on your back, besides giving you back pain, is tricky in the sometimes narrow spaces behind the arnco. If you take it off, you'll probably leave it behind somewhere...

I use my bag just to be able to pick all my gear up from the house and go, but only carry what I need with me out at the circuit.

Lots of people use various photography vests to carry gear, others just carry a pair of cameras.

Its really a case of you working out what works for you best, personally, I carry my equipment in pockets and pouches on me, but thats just where I come from ;-)
I've got a Think Tank roller for dragging it all there, and a small Billingham shoulder bag for spare flash, lens etc. at the circuit. Sometimes use a vest too, but don't like too many bags trackside!
so what your vest number guys? I happen to be there as well this weekend and first time at all at Rockingham(I just posted today shoots on the other section), what a shame for those empty grandstands...
what a shame for those empty grandstands...

Well, Andrew predicted it back on Tuesday - he's obviously more psychic than that Ukrainian pig.

Alternatively, Brit GT is historically a low crowd puller (at any circuit) and Rockingham isn't a popular circuit combined with it being constructed for huge crowds so small crowds are lost.
Yeah it was a really good weekend. Signed-on on the Friday as well so I could get an idea of where to go/shoot. Certainly a lot of walking, and better time planning needed on my side to get to different locations in time. Outside of turn 1 was quite a trek.
Yeah it was a really good weekend. Signed-on on the Friday as well so I could get an idea of where to go/shoot. Certainly a lot of walking, and better time planning needed on my side to get to different locations in time. Outside of turn 1 was quite a trek.

if you think rockingham is a treck, then you should see the other circuits :)
LOL! Gary is right.

You need to work out a plan to meet your objectives and realise that you can't get it all and will miss something. Try to be disciplined and think like "5 laps on turn 1, then turn 2 for 6 laps, then down the tunnel, along the fence to turn 7 for last 3 laps, across the track after race end, down the pitlane to parc ferme and then the podium". So you basically only shoot half the race, the rest is consumed moving from point to point. Aim for "racing shots" during the race, shoot single cars during practice or warmup fri/sat.

Watch the race on the TV when you get home!

Least with BTCC you have three goes, something like MotoGP is much harder!

You probably now understand why there aren't any togs out the far end of the circuit on race day - an accusation heard many times on this forum!
yup, definitely going to have a much better plan for British GT @Brands now. Though saying that still haven't heard back from Richard from the media centre, must check up on that asap.
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If you want some help with Brands btcc, give me a shout nearer the time and we'll help you with some ideas over the weekend, no problem